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Old 01-01-2013, 10:15 AM   #1
Posts: n/a
Default Moore-N-Moore Sunday. We had sunshine, we had rain, we had...

Prime rib, baby !!

I'm not talking about the dried-out prime rib you got at your cousin Shirley's third wedding. I'm talking about a piece of mouth watering, succulent prime rib with all the fixings (and grandpa Deak's famous chocolate brownies).

Sunday was M-N-M's year-end Mulligun event. Mulligun, much like a golf mulligan gives you one automatic do-over. Actually they just take the score from your worst station and replace it with the score from your best station.

The only way to get raffle tickets is to participate. One ticket per entry, one more if you win your class. The kicker is you have to be present to win, and a few guys are probably kicking themselves today (That's right Art and Jim, I'm talking about you)

The day started out under sunny skys, that turned into cloudy skys, that turned into rain, that turned into hail, that turned back into sunny skys.

Luckily my squad finished up before the rain started.

The course was set soft, I mean really soft. I shot poorly, I mean really poorly. If I broke 50 I'd be surprised.

But I wasn't there for broken targets and high scores (I think E class was a 90), I was there for prime rib and raffle gifts. Along with the normal hats and tee-shirts, M-N-M had craft beers, cigars, gun cases, an X-box, a flat screen TV, target cards, Traeger wood pellet BBQ's and not one, but two Beretta A400's.

That's right, Ray (Sandy) Reyes walked away with a brand new Beretta A400.

A good time was had by all (thanks for the beer Ron). Check M-N-M's website for next year's schedule. I think there are some changes coming.

Enjoy the pictures, I enjoyed taking them !!

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