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Old 01-04-2012, 05:21 PM   #21
The Hebrew Hammer
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Default Re: Definition of "Tongue bite"?

Originally Posted by blendtobac View Post
Leathertongue and tongue burn are the same thing. The reason we need to define the difference between the two is that I get a number of calls and emails asking for help with these problems, and if I can't determine what the source of the difficulty is, I can't properly advise people how to deal with it. I can tell you that, going back to the seventies, the difference between the two was generally understood, but back then, you were more likely to know a number of pipe smokers who could clarify things.

If they are the same, is there a difference between them? Don't get me wrong, I enjoy your articles, but that quote threw me for a loop. It seems now you are trying to define 2 types of tongue bite-1) one stemming from the way the tobacco itself burns (burns hot, which in turn burns the tongue) and 2) one stemming from a reaction of the tongue and palette resulting from a chemical reaction in the pipe smokers mouth (difference in pH, for ex.) Both of which have different remedies to alleviate them.
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