Originally Posted by yourchoice
Did you hurt your back doing P90X or was it unrelated?
These two disks have given me trouble for the last 7 years or so, they would bulge out and be sore for a month, then the swelling would go down and I'd feel fine again, and then something else would happen and they'd bulge out again. This particular time it was the Plyo that did it. Actually it was a combination of incorrect technique plus going balls out on all the high impact jumps, and being too stupid to stop when I felt like something was wrong. This happened in September of '09. February of 2010 I went to a doctor because they hadn't gotten any better, and after a Prednisone pack, therapy, an MRI and thousands of upward dog type back extensions, it's pack to about 95%
I was really nervous about doing Plyo again, but I am overly cautious about my back this time, and modify some of the moves, and make 100% sure I keep my head and chest up instead of bending over on all those squat jumps.