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Old 02-08-2011, 12:26 PM   #1
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Default Possible legal advice?

So recently I had a job bartending and now come to my first check it was for about 30% of the money I had worked. Also noted the check was written out to "Bill" making it impossible to cash. Obviously without a last name and my legal name not being "Bill" no bank in their right mind would cash it. Another problem is taxes were taken out of this check without me ever filling out tax forms (w2's or whatever). About 5 days have passed since I've worked there and no other checks were sent. So as of now I have not been paid.

I've also not been contacted at all, and they have my address and phone number. It seems like they are trying to simply not pay me for the work I put in and of course I'm out the job which blows too. The last phone calls I had with them were about my pay and basically they blew me off with the "we'll get back to you" and they simply never did.

For obvious reasons I'm not getting into all of the details yet but hopefully this gives some of you enough to work on or maybe a similar experience though I really hope not.

Right now what I'm thinking of doing is sending them a request for the money they owe me and seeing where that goes. Of course again if they don't pay me that's where I need to know where to go with this.

This is some of the shadiest business practices I've seen yet and I never imagined an employer just not wanting to pay people for their work.

Any advice would be great.
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