Avoiding Surgery
Hello Gents. I was wondering if anyone here had any experience with surgery, or any surgery alternatives. On Thursday, I broke my wrist in a weight lifting accident. It was truly youtube-worthy. Not only did I fracture a bone in the wrist, it is suspected that I tore ligaments - I will know for sure after an MRI sometime this week. I suspect after my MRI they will want to rush me into arthroscopic surgery and sever and reattach torn ligaments in my wrist. Undergoing surgery is a big decision for me and I was hoping to find an alternative. (Honestly, it scares the bejesus out of me) I asked around and I was told to look for ONDAMED practitioners or Prolo practitioners. Has anyone here ever had any experience with either modality? Straight-up wrist surgery? The surgeon says that the longer you wait, the worse off the surgery goes b/c the ligaments form scar tissue, but he sells surgery for a living, and I was wondering if it was worth waiting a little while to try these methods first. He is a well known surgeon in NY, so i'd hope he's honest. I will know more details about the damage after an MRI. I just want to investigate before I rush blindly into it. I'm freakin' out over here. Thanks very much for any info anyone has at all.