Si I am not a huge wine drinker but I do sip on occasion....the wife really likes wine though. So we were in Brookstone and picked up the Vinturi brand wine aerator. Oh course it makes some pretty bold claims and I am a sceptic but figure what the we had a very cheap one that basically just filtered the wine but not very well. The Vinturi is supposed to open the bouquet by adding air and allows the wine to breathe. So we poured 2 glasses of red one through the Vinturi and one just out of the bottle. Before sipping we did a smell was amazing that you could smell the difference..the wines did not smell the same. The wine run through the Vinturi was more robust..and that was just the smell test! The wines tasted completely different as well. The Vinturi wine had more more complexity and eliminated any bitterness that was present in the wine. This all came from a guy that knows little about wine but the results were blatant. My wife, 2 neighbors, and myself could all tell the difference. I highly recommend this product.