Originally Posted by AlohaStyle
I definitely don't agree that putting your cigars in the checked luggage is the best thing to do. I say do what you are most comfortable with, but I know from multiple people (and have read other stories) that cigars have been inspected and not repacked properly and also stolen. Security and baggage handlers have the freedom to do what they want with your luggage, why risk your good cigars?
I personally will always fly with my cigars in my carry-on.
Well yeah. Cigars in your carry on is okay too. I sometimes carry my cigars in my carry on. What i really meant was to make sure the cutter and empty torch lighter is in your check in luggage. Got one of my cutters and torch lighters thrown but carrying cigars didnt give me any problems.
So with cigars carry on or check in which ever you prefer. But cutter and torch lighter always in check in hehehhe...