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Old 03-03-2009, 01:20 PM   #1
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Default Oregon Cigar Bars?!?!

Oregon passed the "Oregon's Smokefree Workplace Law" last year, and it is now in affect.

Basically the law means no smoking inside any public place, and you have to be 10 feet outside. So, basically all of my great cigar places went away. If it is freezing cold outside (like it is normally during a Eastern Oregon winter), then you are stuck. I know that Oregon is a hippie place, but dang, this law really hurt.

I was staying at McMenamins Edgefield (great hotel/resort area in Troutdale), and noticed that some of the small bars there allowed cigar smoking! You can ask my wife, I almost passed out with excitement. I ran up to my room, grabbed the Cigar-Caddy, and ran back to sit by the fire and smoke.


Just to let you Oregon people know, there is a EXCEPTION to the law- for Cigar Bars. If there is a small bar that you LOVE, show them this link and help them fill out the paperwork-

NOTE: The bars will also need a "humidor" in the establishment. Heck, to help my bar fulfill the requirements for this exception I would go on C-Bid, but a small 20 county humi, and take the responsibility for keeping it up and running.

Just thought some of you Oregon people might want to know that there is a exception to this law, and hopefully we can find local bars to become "cigar bars".

And of course, just a few picks of the McMenamins Red Barn Bar:

Fireplace inside:

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Old 03-03-2009, 01:22 PM   #2
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Default Re: Oregon Cigar Bars?!?! is pretty up-to-date for Oregon
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