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Old 03-14-2017, 05:53 PM   #1
Ditat Deus
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Default Insurance Shopping: Amica Mutual

So buying a house here in NC and looking at getting covered. Have had GEICO for 20 years and they've have always been comparable. I shopped all the big guys for similar home and auto coverages. Everyone: State Farm, the Hartford, etc was within a $100 or so. Then I ran across Amica.

Amica is half the price for both home and auto. I looked them up and they are highly rated on consumer sites, high BBB, recently downgraded credit but still very high.

So what's the catch? Anyone with experience with them?
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Old 03-14-2017, 06:18 PM   #2
Tio Gato
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Default Re: Insurance Shopping: Amica Mutual

We've used Amica for home, auto and umbrella coverage for about 25 years. We think they're great. It's a mutual company meaning the policy holders are the company owners. Every year we can a nice fat check that helps lower the cost even more. My wife works for a major insurance company. She can get a discount from her own company but insists on using Amica.
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