07-26-2011, 09:01 PM | #21 | |
Dear Lord, Thank You.
Re: New toolbox.
I tried to get rid of some when yours got harfed, but you wouldn't lighten me up.
I was hoping to put some of my cordless tools in there, but it isn't looking good. I'm going to thin out the herd and give the box and some tools to someone in the family. Plus I'll get rid of all my specialty plumbing tools and pneumatic tools and rigging stuff and netting tools and anything else I can shake off. I made my living with my hands for lots of years and put a lot of my buddies to work along the way doing as many jobs as we could get ahold of when we were laid off. Plus I worked every weekend I could for 20 good years to keep myself out of trouble (mixed results there). That allows a guy to amass an awful mess of tools. I mean YOW, seriously. I'll thin stuff out hard because I need all the room I can get to play with wood now. I enjoy making little pieces of wood out of big pieces of wood. That's what I plan to do until The Good Lord packs me up and takes me home.