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Old 10-21-2010, 08:29 AM   #1
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Talking Need your help with future wifey

I have sled down the slippery slope with my new cigar hobby. My future wife hates the smell of the cigars I am currently smoking, "Bolivar and Montecristo". A friend of mine told me to try a Rocky Patel with a white wrapper cuz most women like the creamy, vanilla aroma.

Does anyone know the correct name of the RP cigar or any other cigars that has the vanilla and/or creamy aroma that make not be as strong to her.

Thanks...I love her, but I am not ready to put down my first love yet,,,a good cigar.....LOL
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Old 10-21-2010, 08:32 AM   #2
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Default Re: Need your help with future wifey

Better start looking at domiciles where you can smoke away from her. Or, hopefully you can find something she will accept that you enjoy (and your tastes don't change much )... Good luck, bud.

My wife seems to complain more about the smoke from an NC compared to CCs, oddly enough.
Some days call for a stiff Pomade.
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Old 10-21-2010, 08:37 AM   #3
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Default Re: Need your help with future wifey

that sucks, is there any annoying habit of hers you can barter with?
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Old 10-21-2010, 08:38 AM   #4
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Luckily my other half doesn't mind cigar smoke, actually my cigar hobby has intrigued her... she now smokes flavored cigars on occasion she absolutely loves the aroma when I smoke my pipe
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Old 10-21-2010, 08:49 AM   #5
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Default Re: Need your help with future wifey

As silly as it sounds, a lit candle will often help mask/destroy smoke. It doesn't work as well on cigars as it does on cigarettes due to the volume of smoke, but there are other options as well. Many of the ozone type air purifiers or similar make little if any noise and do a decent job of eliminating odors. Do you have a room inside you can smoke in, or the whole house, or?
“Eating and sleeping are the only activities that should be allowed to interrupt a man's enjoyment of his cigar;” Mark Twain
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Old 10-21-2010, 08:49 AM   #6
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Default Re: Need your help with future wifey

Originally Posted by HollywoodQue View Post
I have sled down the slippery slope with my new cigar hobby. My future wife hates the smell of the cigars I am currently smoking, "Bolivar and Montecristo". A friend of mine told me to try a Rocky Patel with a white wrapper cuz most women like the creamy, vanilla aroma.

Does anyone know the correct name of the RP cigar or any other cigars that has the vanilla and/or creamy aroma that make not be as strong to her.

Thanks...I love her, but I am not ready to put down my first love yet,,,a good cigar.....LOL
Sounds like your friend is reccomending the RP Vintage 1999 Connecticut.

Your local B&M should be able to reccommend good Connecticut smokes for you. They are milder and tend to have a bit "sweeter" aroma. But really it still smells smokey. My guess is that is the real problem she has... that it smells like smoke period.

As I have recommended before... please go read a poem by Rudyard Kipling called "The Betrothed" Hopefully it will give you some perspective.
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Old 10-21-2010, 08:55 AM   #7
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Default Re: Need your help with future wifey

I have a small ozone unit for my house that clears the smoke out really well.

Luckily my wife smokes cigars as well, so it's not a big issue, but it's nice not the have the house smell like smoke. I used to smoke on the porch, but I don't think that's going to be possible in Detriot right now, the joys of living in Florida I guess.

I would find a good local shop to smoke in during the winter months and then enjoy smoking outside during the summer.
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Old 10-21-2010, 08:59 AM   #8
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Default Re: Need your help with future wifey

Maybe you may need to find a different future wifey. It won't get any easier down the road.
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Old 10-21-2010, 09:02 AM   #9
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Default Re: Need your help with future wifey

Good luck to you in your endeavor to find a cigar that won't bother your soon to be wife… If you're smoking inside the house then go outside or find a local B&M/cigar friendly establishment (that's probably a reasonable request from a wife). If the problem is you smoking in general then my suggestion is to keep smoking what you like and not stop after you get married. She knew you enjoyed cigars while you dated, so it shouldn't change after getting married. If you stop after marriage, be prepared to stop doing a lot of other things that you enjoy. I say let her deal with your occasional cigar funk (of course change your clothes, brush your teeth, use mouthwash, shower, or do anything else within reason to accommodate her)
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Old 10-21-2010, 09:04 AM   #10
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Default Re: Need your help with future wifey

Originally Posted by 357 View Post
As silly as it sounds, a lit candle will often help mask/destroy smoke. It doesn't work as well on cigars as it does on cigarettes due to the volume of smoke, but there are other options as well. Many of the ozone type air purifiers or similar make little if any noise and do a decent job of eliminating odors. Do you have a room inside you can smoke in, or the whole house, or?
357, I am mainly smoking outdoors, but you know how cold it gets in the "D" and she has a nose like a blood-hound. Damn, did I mention that she is a cop just like me and we don't even live together til marriage..

If she smells smoke when she comes by, she won't stay very long...
Opps....when she won't stay, a dog may stray
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Old 10-21-2010, 09:07 AM   #11
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Default Re: Need your help with future wifey

1. Dont smoke in the house- ever.
2. When you attend a herf, your clothes will reek. Take them off and throw them immediately into the washer. Also, take a shower before going to bed.
3. Get yourself some Smart-Mouth mouthwash, it works great.
4. Explain to her how a cigar relaxes you, and reduces your stress. If she cant understand the importance of this, then you may want to re-consider your choice in fiancée.

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Old 10-21-2010, 09:08 AM   #12
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Default Re: Need your help with future wifey

Originally Posted by forgop View Post
Maybe you may need to find a different future wifey. It won't get any easier down the road.
Tried that 3 years ago Forgop, she was issued the same department gun that I was issued, but we've known each other since high school and been together for almost 7 years...time to make a honest woman out of her, but I will still keep your suggestion in mind
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Old 10-21-2010, 09:10 AM   #13
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Default Re: Need your help with future wifey

Originally Posted by md4958 View Post
1. Dont smoke in the house- ever.
2. When you attend a herf, your clothes will reek. Take them off and throw them immediately into the washer. Also, take a shower before going to bed.
3. Get yourself some Smart-Mouth mouthwash, it works great.
4. Explain to her how a cigar relaxes you, and reduces your stress. If she cant understand the importance of this, then you may want to re-consider your choice in fiancée.

I hear you Godfather, I hear you.
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Old 10-21-2010, 09:19 AM   #14
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Default Re: Need your help with future wifey

When my wife complained about the smell of my cigar smoke, I would go smoke at my girlfriend's place.

Thanks Dave, Julian, James, Kelly, Peter, Gerry, Dave, Mo, Frank, Týr and Mr. Mark!
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Old 10-21-2010, 09:25 AM   #15
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Default Re: Need your help with future wifey

Originally Posted by icehog3 View Post
When my wife complained about the smell of my cigar smoke, I would go smoke at my girlfriend's place.

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Old 10-21-2010, 09:31 AM   #16
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Default Re: Need your help with future wifey

I went a completely different direction and bought a great big ol HEPA Air Purifier. Got a Honeywell QuietFlo

I turn it on low when I smoke in my office. Seems to work, or at least I have yet to beaten in to submission by my wife since using it.

I let it run during and about 30 minutes after wards as well.

A Smokers candle doesn't hurt either.
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Old 10-21-2010, 09:43 AM   #17
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Default Re: Need your help with future wifey

Originally Posted by HollywoodQue View Post
I hear you Godfather, I hear you.
He called Moe, "Godfather"!!!

Originally Posted by icehog3 View Post
When my wife complained about the smell of my cigar smoke, I would go smoke at my girlfriend's place.

I tell my wife that I'm a man, and smell masculine like men are supposed to smell, if she doesn't like it then...

I'll wash my clothes, brush my teeth and take a shower, Dammit!!!

BTW, I would start smoking RP cigars for no woman!!!

Smoke what you like!!!
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Old 10-21-2010, 09:44 AM   #18
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Default Re: Need your help with future wifey

I think the RP he may be talking about is the Decade. It has a "cream" colored band. Not a bad cigar either, IMO.

And I'll probably get fried for this, but quite frankly, I can't tell the difference in smell of smoke from one cigar to another. It's all smoke to me. Now I can tell the difference in cigar and cigarette smoke in a second. But it's all smoke, and all kind of stinky. Maybe it's all the weed I used to smoke or something.
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Old 10-21-2010, 09:48 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by rizzle View Post
I think the RP he may be talking about is the Decade. It has a "cream" colored band. Not a bad cigar either, IMO.

And I'll probably get fried for this, but quite frankly, I can't tell the difference in smell of smoke from one cigar to another. It's all smoke to me. Now I can tell the difference in cigar and cigarette smoke in a second. But it's all smoke, and all kind of stinky. Maybe it's all the weed I used to smoke or something.
I know what your talking about... they do all have that "cigar" smell... but theres definitely a difference that can be noticed. I hope they don't all taste the same to you lol
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Old 10-21-2010, 10:04 AM   #20
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Default Re: Need your help with future wifey

Now I see why this forum is called "Asylum" cuz you guys are crazy as HELL...I like the suggestion about going to the "Girl Friends House", now thats more do-able for me..

Thanks to all for the great know his name is Moe, but "The Godfather" sounds really cool....LOL
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