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Old 04-17-2009, 08:56 AM   #1
In Domino Confido
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Default NYC - Padron event on Thursday, 4/23





On April 23, 2009 De La Concha will be hosting an evening with Jorge Padron. Please call the store to check on reservation availability. We are looking forward to that dinner celebration and we are sure that it will be an evening to remember.

We are pleased to announce that preceding the dinner, Mr. Padron has arranged to be at De La Concha for an in-store event. It is rare to have a cigar legend of Jorge Padron’s reputation at a day event and we are proud to welcome him to De La Concha.

Mr. Padron will be with us during the day on April 23 to answer question, sign boxes and join our customers in their enjoyment that is De La Concha. During the day event there will be specials offered and business cards will be collected for raffles. This is your opportunity to meet Jorge Padron, share a fine cigar and relax at one of New York’s premier smoking venues. As our valued customers, we are proud to make this day available to you. We look forward to seeing you on April 23 and as always; we want to thank you for your continued support of De La Concha.

To have a fine cigar, listen to music, relax with a drink and take pleasure in smoking camaraderie may not make the hard times any easier but these pursuits can make the hard times easier to take.

At De La Concha we are dedicated to the fine art of smoking and of helping you find the cigar that will best suit your tastes.

Come on down to De La Concha and Smoke some great Cigars and meet other cigar Connoisseurs that share your passion of the leaf and "The Good Life".

De La Concha did his part and now it’s up to you to come on down to these great events and smoke some great cigars. Call us toll free at 888-244-2704 or come in to the shop at 1390 6th Ave. NY, NY 10019

You can also vist our new web site at

You can also vist our new blog at

Experience a Century of Melendi Family Tradition. Experience a True Tobacconist. Experience De La Concha.

Looking forward to seeing you soon, Your friends at the House of De La Concha 212-757-3167
"Patrick...You low-rent f#@k!!!" - MACMS (Shack V)
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