01-20-2009, 07:10 AM | #1 |
The Homebrew Hammer
Any B/SOTL runners here?
I've been away from the sport for a few years due to some knee problems (called oldius agemus, if you've heard of it...) but started up again recently. Bought a pair of Nike+ trainers this weekend--these are the shoes that accept a sensor that syncs to your ipod and transmits all kinds of info: speed, distance, calories burned, pace, etc. You can then upload your workout data to nikeplus.com which acts as a trainer, running log, and forum for other runners from around the world. You can compete in "virtual challenges" against other runners, join teams, set goals & training targets, find running routes in areas that you might be visiting and other kinds of cool stuff. Just wondering if anyone else in CA might be doing this, too. Gerard
01-20-2009, 09:09 AM | #3 |
Posts: n/a
Re: Nike+?
I'm a "new" runner. I started running last year around March and ran my first marathon in Oct. Just started running again after the marathon. My wife tried to get me a chip from Nike that attached to your shoe and would transmit the information you mentioned to your ipod but it only worked for the nano and i have a 30g classic. It sounds awesome. Much easier than going to mapmyrun.com and mapping your runs.
01-20-2009, 09:17 AM | #4 |
Cyclonic Bastard
Re: Nike+?
No fancyness for me. Nike Livestrong Shocks with my Zune. I really need to do more. I also have a pair of Merrels for trail running.
Flies, Lies, and Other Diversions |
01-20-2009, 10:18 AM | #6 |
Snatchin' yo people up
Re: Nike+?
My wife used it a bit. If you do the run walk type training like for a marathon where you walk for a minute every so often, it'll throw it off. It was fairly accurate but mapping out your route on google is more accurate, albeit a pain in the butt.