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Old 04-17-2011, 12:51 PM   #1
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Default I need some computer building geek help, please.

I have to build a new computer for my office. My last build was from around 05, and she's done me good.

What I'll be doing is photoediting, maybe some gaming (and I say that knowing I never will play anything unless I go back to some old titles), possible some light videoediting.
Mainly I'll need opengl support for some CAD-ish stuff as related to designing wood projects.
I need at least 5.1 for my music.
I need AT LEAST 3 MONITOR SUPPORT with and option to expand if I so chose, up to six monitors. (Up to six is not even really necessary, but 3 is an absolute. I'd like to add a fourth at minimum).

I would like to use AMD AM3 4 or 6 core on an ASUS AM3 mobo with ATI video cards. (I am an asus/amd fanboi. I've had huge success with their stuff for lots of years.)
I do not need cutting edge screamer anything, but I would like my mobo and cpu to provide a little future flexibility.
I like to have lots of storage capacity, so room for 4 sata hdd's is a must. 6 or more would even be better.
I'd like a HUGE tower that provides tons of room to move air. I like to run two dvd burners, so two large bays is enough, although a few extra would be great.
Oh, I need a good gaggle of usb ports, too.

I can't think of anything else offhand. Anything you guys can suggest will help. It'll get me headed in the right direction and help me start getting a parts list together.
Thanks You!!!
Any suggestions on parts would be awesome,
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Old 04-17-2011, 03:03 PM   #2
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Default Re: I need some computer building geek help, please.

For a case you might look into the CM stacker (cooler master) it's a big SoB with 4 usb ports on the front another 4 or so on the back. Very large case, all metal too.

Speakers Logitech Z-5500 are very nice. I like logitech products.

Monitors I'd go samsung with however large you need them to be I like the 16:10 widescreen.

Processor I use a AMD Phenom II X4 965 Black Edition, you could go with the 6 core version.

Probably get 8-12 gigs of RAM, that ones up to you

It depends on how much gaming and whatnot you are going to do but right now I run an Nvidia GeForce 9800 GT (one of my weaker pieces of hard ware) but it will still run every game that is out now on near MAX - MAX settings. So if you are looking to save some coin this is where I would do it.

I would get a solid state hard drive (the largest you can afford) and then 2 regular 1 TB or 2 TB hard drives for space. Again the SSD will only be your windows drive with all your programs, so don't feel the need to get an insanely large SSD but don't get a 50 gig either. Get whatever will hold everything you need + 25% or so for future expansion.
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Old 04-17-2011, 09:19 PM   #3
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Default Re: I need some computer building geek help, please.

Bill, I carted a Coolermaster 840. It meets my needs and it's real expandable, plus it supports dual psu's which is perfect.
Thanks for recommending coolermaster, that's what I'm using right now and never thought of it.
I already have a Denon receiver with Klipsch 5.1 surround speakers, so that's good. I just need decent onboard sound.
I already have 3-19" Samsung monitors. I may add one more. In a land of dreams I'd add three more, but it'll never happen. One more is reasonable and it'd be nice if I can match the other 3.
I had the 965 6-core carted already, this is kinda getting scary now.

I carted the Asus M4A88TD-V EVO/USB3 AM3 board. I'm not at all sure it'd got enough options, or if it'll handle the 6 cores. If you have any other ASUS recommendations (or anyone else does), I'd love to take a look.

I'd like to go ATI on the video cards, and I sure don't need nearly that much wee-yoo. I'm thinking 4 monitor support in the $150-200 range for each card? I haven't really looked, but you gave me a good starting point.

I need a memory and psu recommendation, too.

SSD HDD's are out of the question. I'm not gaming, and to waste money on the speed is silly. I make every one of my drives redundant. I'm currently running 3TB with 3TB worth of backup. The drives are 1 for 1, each hdd has a backup hdd. I'll continue that.

I may or may not rape my current system. I may let in run and use it for a media server. My mind isn't made up yet. I'll likely just rape it for the parts and toss the rest to save money. I can serve media from my new rig, right?

Thanks for all the help, brother. Talking to you really has the wheels turning.
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Old 04-17-2011, 09:40 PM   #4
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Default Re: I need some computer building geek help, please.

I should have said I had the 965 quad core carted. I went and carted the six core now. I'm trying to make my wish list public. I gotta go get Nikki to help me do that, I think.
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Old 04-19-2011, 12:12 AM   #5
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Default Re: I need some computer building geek help, please.

Originally Posted by shilala View Post
Bill, I carted a Coolermaster 840. It meets my needs and it's real expandable, plus it supports dual psu's which is perfect.
Thanks for recommending coolermaster, that's what I'm using right now and never thought of it.
I already have a Denon receiver with Klipsch 5.1 surround speakers, so that's good. I just need decent onboard sound.
I already have 3-19" Samsung monitors. I may add one more. In a land of dreams I'd add three more, but it'll never happen. One more is reasonable and it'd be nice if I can match the other 3.
I had the 965 6-core carted already, this is kinda getting scary now.

I carted the Asus M4A88TD-V EVO/USB3 AM3 board. I'm not at all sure it'd got enough options, or if it'll handle the 6 cores. If you have any other ASUS recommendations (or anyone else does), I'd love to take a look.

I'd like to go ATI on the video cards, and I sure don't need nearly that much wee-yoo. I'm thinking 4 monitor support in the $150-200 range for each card? I haven't really looked, but you gave me a good starting point.

I need a memory and psu recommendation, too.

SSD HDD's are out of the question. I'm not gaming, and to waste money on the speed is silly. I make every one of my drives redundant. I'm currently running 3TB with 3TB worth of backup. The drives are 1 for 1, each hdd has a backup hdd. I'll continue that.

I may or may not rape my current system. I may let in run and use it for a media server. My mind isn't made up yet. I'll likely just rape it for the parts and toss the rest to save money. I can serve media from my new rig, right?

Thanks for all the help, brother. Talking to you really has the wheels turning.
oh $hit sorry Scott I use a 1000W BFG PSU. But I hear they are out of business so the wanting of one would be much less. They use to rock a SOLID SOLID warranty. Now obviously there is none. I went with 1000W because it would theoretically "never need replacing". I've gone 4 years on it and I'm nowhere close to maxing it out. I try to buy things that will never need upgrading (cases, PSU's). Things that can really last 5+ years I buy the best of so I don't have to buy more anytime soon.

Memory, honestly what I did was get 4 gigs of the "mid price" ram that was needed for my MoBo. I've never had "bad ram". Although prices are very reasonable for 8gig-12 gig. I just don't find it currently necessary for my needs. However If I was buying new right now I would go 8gigs of the "mid priced ram". You'll get the most out of that.

For an OS I use Windows 7 Ultimate x64. I really like it, I hated vista and Xp was getting a bit old

I don't run an SSD on my gaming computer, however I find the loading speed of high memory windows 7 programs to load up much faster. If you need that sort of thing. You will really notice an improvement. However if you don't care/need it then not running an SSD would save you some coin. I run one on the Media center PC (aka my blu ray player windows 7 media center PC). Cut loading times by like 75%, so it was worth it.

Glad to be of help Scott, good luck with your new PC. Sounds like you'll have a very kick ass rig

Last edited by Bill86; 04-19-2011 at 12:18 AM.
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Old 04-17-2011, 09:45 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by shilala View Post
I need AT LEAST 3 MONITOR SUPPORT with and option to expand if I so chose, up to six monitors. (Up to six is not even really necessary, but 3 is an absolute. I'd like to add a fourth at minimum).
I'm no help on the build as my last one was built in 2001.
I used to get teased at work for having two monitors but once people see how nice it is they get jealous.
I do CAD work for integrated circuits and four would be awesome, but it took some convincing just to get two.
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Old 04-17-2011, 10:45 PM   #7
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Default Re: I need some computer building geek help, please.

Originally Posted by aich75013 View Post
I'm no help on the build as my last one was built in 2001.
I used to get teased at work for having two monitors but once people see how nice it is they get jealous.
I do CAD work for integrated circuits and four would be awesome, but it took some convincing just to get two.
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I think I'd snap if I had to use your computer.
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Old 04-17-2011, 10:49 PM   #8
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Default Re: I need some computer building geek help, please.

I don't know if this will work, but I made my parts list public so I can show you guys what I picked so far. Some things are duplicates till I decide which part to go with.
Here's the parts list.
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Old 04-18-2011, 11:40 AM   #9
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Default Re: I need some computer building geek help, please.

Originally Posted by shilala View Post
I don't know if this will work, but I made my parts list public so I can show you guys what I picked so far. Some things are duplicates till I decide which part to go with.
Here's the parts list.
Need some help bump.
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Old 04-18-2011, 11:43 AM   #10
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Default Re: I need some computer building geek help, please.

the link leads to newegg, but it asks for log on info.

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Old 04-18-2011, 11:49 AM   #11
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Default Re: I need some computer building geek help, please.

I got a new crappy Gateway (yea, they are still around) laptop for super cheap at Best Buy. I didn't know, at the time that the audio system was so crappy. I picked up some Philips SPA7210/17 Multimedia Speakers from Overstock for 43 bucks because they had some decent reviews. Don't know if this is here nor there, but if nothing else, here's another bump!
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Old 04-18-2011, 12:34 PM   #12
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Default Re: I need some computer building geek help, please.

Originally Posted by poker View Post
the link leads to newegg, but it asks for log on info.
I'll try to figure out the link for the public cart. Thanks, Kelly.
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Old 04-19-2011, 03:59 PM   #14
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Default Re: I need some computer building geek help, please.

I changed up some stuff, mostly based on what you guys have said.
This stuff stayed the same...
Western Digital Caviar Green WD20EARS 2TB SATA 3.0Gb/s 3.5" Internal Hard Drive -Bare Drive

SAPPHIRE Vapor-X 100283VX-2L Radeon HD 5770 (Juniper XT) 1GB 128-bit GDDR5 PCI Express 2.1 x16 HDCP Ready CrossFireX Support Video Card w/ Eyefinity


AMD Phenom II X6 1090T Black Edition Thuban 3.2GHz Socket AM3 125W Six-Core Desktop Processor HDT90ZFBGRBOX

CORSAIR XMS 8GB (4 x 2GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1333 Desktop Memory Model CMP8GX3M4A1333C9

COOLER MASTER ATCS 840 RC-840-KKN1-GP Black Aluminum ATX Full Tower Computer Case

Here's the new stuff...
Microsoft Windows 7 Professional SP1 64-bit 1-Pack - OEM

Two of these PSU's:
CORSAIR Enthusiast Series CMPSU-650TX 650W ATX12V / EPS12V SLI Ready CrossFire Ready 80 PLUS Certified Active PFC Compatible ...

Being as I've already spent the Gross National Product of most small countries, I'm going to look real hard at a BluRay Player/Burner and some media. Probably gonna get this one...
LG Black Super Multi SATA WH12LS30 LightScribe Support - OEM
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Old 04-18-2011, 01:34 PM   #15
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holy crap, yeah that is sick... that would be a nice gaming machine... wish i lived close enough to help you with the build, i use to love building machines, now i have laptop, i aint going to even try building

good luck i want to see pics of that up and running...
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Old 04-18-2011, 01:38 PM   #16
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Sounds like a pretty massive box there Scott. I guess the bottom line is to get the most for the money in your budget.
Have you checked prices with other places like Tiger Direct?

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Old 04-18-2011, 02:06 PM   #17
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I haven't checked Tiger Direct, I never really cared for them. I should check mwave, though. They can usually whip newegg's ass pretty good on some stuff.
The mobo and six core are pretty future-proof, I was thinking. Antec and corsair stuff lasts forever. That case has some sick cooling, so maybe it'll keep that ASUS mobo from frying. It's the weak link, I think. But as far as motherboards go, I have the best luck with them.

What's the deal on the eco green hdd's? Do they just shut off all the time, or something like that?
I wasn't planning to use them as my boot and boot backup, just storage. So it's not an issue, just wondering.

I suppose I wanted to make sure I didn't have something selected that doesn't make sense, ya know? The 5570 was just plain cheap, and I needed a video card to compliment my onboard graphics to give me 4 monitor support.

I'll check some prices. If you guys can think of anything else I should add/replace, please let me know your thoughts.
(I even looked at bluray burning, it isn't ready for prime-time yet. I hate to buy first gen burners, they suck. It might be a good idea though before they get all drm'd.)
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Old 04-18-2011, 02:38 PM   #18
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Default Re: I need some computer building geek help, please. lists dozens of other site's prices, it can help save some money.

If you're going with Win 7, I would recommend Pro. It offers Windows Virtual PC as a freebie, and gives you a free XP Pro Virtual Machine. It can be handy for legacy apps, or when you need to do testing/etc. Also, Home edition cannot authenticate to a domain, so if you're using this in a work environment, I would highly recommend Pro x64 rather than Home Premium.

The hardware looks pretty nice. I would suggest running your disks in RAID 1. It is faster than a stand alone drive or RAID 5. Plus, it does provide a mirror copy of your data for some level of redundancy. You lose 50% of the total capacity you buy, but it's worth the speed and reliability in the long run. The math of RAID 1 is pretty simple. If you need 2 TB, buy two 2 TB drives.

Just my geeky
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Old 04-19-2011, 07:19 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by benedic08 View Post
I would recommend getting a SSD just for your OS and CAD and other editing programs and use ordinary HDD for storage. From what Bill said i also recommend a 1000watt power supply, corsair produces very good PSU's.

For video card i recommend a workstation card. Here's a good one:

Its nice for rendering and you dont have to deal with priority crap you get with two cards. It supports up to 4 monitors.

For Memory I recommend the GSKILL Ripjaws. They work perfectly with the 6cores and come in pairs of 4gb totaling 8gb per pair. Get atleast 8gb or up. You're gonna need a lot of memory for CAD and video editing and its gonna help alot on multi tasking.

Hope this helps and good luck!
Originally Posted by 357 View Post

The hardware looks pretty nice. I would suggest running your disks in RAID 1. It is faster than a stand alone drive or RAID 5. Plus, it does provide a mirror copy of your data for some level of redundancy. You lose 50% of the total capacity you buy, but it's worth the speed and reliability in the long run. The math of RAID 1 is pretty simple. If you need 2 TB, buy two 2 TB drives.

Just my geeky
Very good reccomendations! That looks to be a screaming system
Gonna need your final decision & pictures! Good Luck
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Old 04-18-2011, 02:47 PM   #20
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I've also heard (never tried it mind you) that folks are doing clean installs with just the Windows 7 Pro Upgrade disk instead of the full program disk without issue.

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