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Old 03-29-2009, 10:16 PM   #1
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Default Promise Ring, did you buy your daughter one?

Ladies, did your dad get you one?

My daughter is 13 going on 31, my wife mentioned getting her a promise ring. Just wondering if any other Dads did this, what they thought of it, what did you look for?
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Old 03-29-2009, 11:11 PM   #2
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Default Re: Promise Ring, did you buy your daughter one?

I didn't get one, but my daughter got one that say, True Love Waits. She is now 20 and she is waiting. But with that comes a talk to help them understand why it is good to wait.
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Old 03-30-2009, 12:01 AM   #3
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Default Re: Promise Ring, did you buy your daughter one?

Originally Posted by ashtonlady View Post
I didn't get one, but my daughter got one that say, True Love Waits. She is now 20 and she is waiting. But with that comes a talk to help them understand why it is good to wait.
Yes we have talked alot, and we are very open with our daughters. But I was thinking that with the 'purity ring' would show that I was more than just talk.
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Old 03-30-2009, 02:37 AM   #4
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Default Re: Promise Ring, did you buy your daughter one?

Originally Posted by kgoings View Post
Yes we have talked alot, and we are very open with our daughters. But I was thinking that with the 'purity ring' would show that I was more than just talk.
Sounds like you are a great Father to go the "extra mile" and discussing things like this with your daughter. I remember when my daughter was growing up and she is nearly 30 now and we sat down to talk about the issues of the day and having respect for herself and not giving into the peer pressure of the day.

I use to kid with her and told her I was setting up a date for her to be measured for a chastity belt,,,,she didn't laugh. Some kids just don't have a sense of humor at that age.
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Old 03-29-2009, 11:16 PM   #5
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Default Re: Promise Ring, did you buy your daughter one?

You know - mainstream traditional uses of the promise ring are for kinda like pre-engagement rings. Obviously you don't fall into this category - so the question, as etiquette would dictate, what is the purpose you would want to give one to her for (don't need to answer that question here). Promise rings are suppose to be given with an exact purpose. And they really can be anything - single set stone, heart shaped, single bands, birthstones, etc - but they really don't cost a lot. Couple hundred bucks at the most.

And I would say unless there is a real specific reason for just you to give her a ring - it should really come from the both of you.

Also - don't be upset if she doesn't know what a promise ring is - most of today's kids are not really up on etiquette like they were 30, 40 50 years ago.

And no - I didn't buy them for either of my daughters.

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Old 03-29-2009, 11:16 PM   #6
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Default Re: Promise Ring, did you buy your daughter one?

Im 20 and I think it is a wonderful idea. Only thing is don't make it seem like a punishment.
You probably wont remember that test you failed, but you'll never forget the girl you were with the night before, when you decided not to study.
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Old 03-29-2009, 11:59 PM   #7
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Default Re: Promise Ring, did you buy your daughter one?

So I have only heard of them from TV. I googled promise ring, and I think I was thinking more of a purity ring I guess is what they call it. An agreement to remain abstinent till the ring is replaced with a wedding ring.
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Old 03-29-2009, 11:59 PM   #8
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Default Re: Promise Ring, did you buy your daughter one?

Originally Posted by Wolfgang View Post
Im 20 and I think it is a wonderful idea. Only thing is don't make it seem like a punishment.
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Old 03-30-2009, 10:59 AM   #9
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Default Re: Promise Ring, did you buy your daughter one?

I have 3 little girls and I do not even want to think about them being teenagers.
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Old 03-30-2009, 06:11 AM   #10
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Default Re: Promise Ring, did you buy your daughter one?

My daughter is 8 months old. I can't handle even thinking about this.
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Old 03-30-2009, 11:01 AM   #11
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Default Re: Promise Ring, did you buy your daughter one?

Originally Posted by tenbaseg View Post
My daughter is 8 months old. I can't handle even thinking about this.
My TWO are 4 months. And
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Old 03-30-2009, 11:20 AM   #12
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Default Re: Promise Ring, did you buy your daughter one?

I belive some recent research sugested that those who had pledged abstinence (and got the ring etc), actually became sexually active earlier than those who didn't.

I can't find a link for it at this time - so it could be
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Old 03-30-2009, 11:39 AM   #13
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Default Re: Promise Ring, did you buy your daughter one?

Originally Posted by weasel View Post
I belive some recent research sugested that those who had pledged abstinence (and got the ring etc), actually became sexually active earlier than those who didn't.

I can't find a link for it at this time - so it could be
There are probably examples either way.

My wife and I felt it was important to remain sexually pure before marriage, so we put the boundaries at not even kissing before marriage. That is a bit extreme, and it was very difficult, but we can honestly tell our children that it can be done.

Either way, I think a promise ring and talk is just "smoke" to the teens if they don't share your convictions.

It would be like me telling all of you that you should remain "sexually pure" until marriage. Doesn't mean a damn if you don't believe what I do even though I have the experience to say it can be done and feel strongly about it.
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Old 03-30-2009, 12:01 PM   #14
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Default Re: Promise Ring, did you buy your daughter one?

Originally Posted by morefifemusic View Post
Doesn't mean a damn if you don't believe what I do even though I have the experience to say it can be done and feel strongly about it.
Congrats to you for sticking with your convictions.

While it can be done, as with anything, like say go to Harvard and graduate number one in your class, as difficult as the latter is, I find your the task you achieved that much more difficult. I further find that to expect many to uphold that similar set of values in today's world is unrealistic. Certainly shoot for the stars but realize a pea shooter may not get you there. Realize that while that was important to you, the fond memories of sitting under a tree with my wife when we were initially falling in love and making out is something very natural you chose to miss out on but the majority really won't.

It is amazing how one event can change your life, your opinions and how you perceive things from there on in. When I learned of my daughter's situation, I was floored and the wife and I were depressed for months.
Now? I realize what a blessing my grandson has turned out to be. He is my life and that of my wife.

I now realize that my values are just that, my values.
My children have their own minds and have their own sets of values, hopefully more in line with mine, but absolutely 100% theirs. I learned I should not judge them but rather accept them for what they are, individuals with their own sets of values. I learned to love them and support them regardless of not doing what I thought was right and wrong, especially someone older than 18, who can be asked to fight for the freedom of this great land.
She is a wonderful mother and acting and looking more like her mother every day.

I have a colleague who just learned her 15 yr old is having sex. This person is a good, conservative person with deep rooted values. Happens to all of us. It is not cancer, it is not a life threatening condition. It is sex. Something we all enjoy.

So folks, my message to you all on this is be realistic. Convey your thoughts, morals, values, etc. However, expect them to act according to what they want to do and realize that perhaps this whole not having sex thing is a lie for the most part. This is coming to you from a guy that was totally fooled in believing his daughter was not having sex. I was not born yesterday and am no dummy. If it happened to me, it is happening to you.
Also remember, as defined by our former President Bill, their interpretation of sex may not be the same as yours.
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Last edited by Blueface; 03-30-2009 at 12:06 PM.
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Old 03-30-2009, 11:59 AM   #15
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Default Re: Promise Ring, did you buy your daughter one?

Originally Posted by tenbaseg View Post
My daughter is 8 months old. I can't handle even thinking about this.
Is it too early to get my 3yr old one?
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Old 03-30-2009, 06:15 AM   #16
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Default Re: Promise Ring, did you buy your daughter one?

Buy her the ring, and yourself a shotgun. Make sure she knows the purpose for each
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Old 03-30-2009, 06:30 AM   #17
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Default Re: Promise Ring, did you buy your daughter one?

Originally Posted by Mark C View Post
Buy her the ring, and yourself a shotgun. Make sure she knows the purpose for each
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Old 03-30-2009, 06:43 AM   #18
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Default Re: Promise Ring, did you buy your daughter one?

I thought this was going to be about South Parks season opener.

I have a big plan for when my little angel gets older. It involves plastic and news paper on the floor, an assortment of my guns on the table being cleaned, me in tighty whities drinking a bud (which I will pour out and fill with better brew) and a stern hello to the boy picking her up. That and a chastity belt should do the trick!
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Old 03-30-2009, 06:57 AM   #19
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Default Re: Promise Ring, did you buy your daughter one?

Originally Posted by germantown rob View Post
I thought this was going to be about South Parks season opener.

I have a big plan for when my little angel gets older. It involves plastic and news paper on the floor, an assortment of my guns on the table being cleaned, me in tighty whities drinking a bud (which I will pour out and fill with better brew) and a stern hello to the boy picking her up. That and a chastity belt should do the trick!

Don't forget to smoke a stogie or a pipe.

I think the promise/purity ring is a nice idea IF the daughter understands what it means and IF the daughter ascribes to those ideas.

IMHO, it is meaningless to get a daughter a promise ring if she has no reserves about sexual activity.

I will probably get my daughters promise rings, but it more comes down to instilling those ideas in the daughters to start with. Otherwise the promise ring will be meaningless or look like a punishment.

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Old 03-30-2009, 09:35 AM   #20
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Default Re: Promise Ring, did you buy your daughter one?

Yes I have a daughter and she's 23, so I'll rock the boat and say no, I wouldn't buy one unless she asked for it. The why gets into all the various cliques and peer groups that you have to deal with at that age. I'm not sure that I would want my daughter to have to explain to the group why my parents gave me a promise ring that she didn't ask for. From my point of view, trust and keeping the lines of communications open between you and your daughter is the most important thing. The sex talk is good as well as the knowing when to leave talk. This is when the group she is with thinks about doing something stupid like drugs or shoplifting. It's the pick your battle approach to child rearing, where teaching them to think and make good decisions is what you have to rely on to get them through the teenage years.

My next question would be the one about what did growing up. Did you wait? This applies to sex, drugs and about anything else you would tell your kid not to do. For parents, it is a real dilemma; did you tell the truth about what you did growing up when asked? I know a lot of parents who have had to make this decision and it has gone both ways. We choose truth, but we left out the details. For us, it came down to trust and that goes both ways.
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