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Old 06-18-2012, 12:56 PM   #1
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Default LG Small Batch #4

I don't usually buy cigars over $14, I have just had so many experiences where the cigar was a total disappointment or I felt ripped off or it was really really really not worth it.

Being that I was given some money for Father's Day and everything was 10% off I purchased a usually $18 cigar from a company that I enjoy 90% of their cigars.

The cigar was a rough, veiny, oily churchill size cigar. It was under-filled at the head when I bit down lightly for a pre-light draw.

The cigar was medium at the start with a cedar flavor that was light and pleasant. Strength built with flavors that I can only described as spinach, barley, and currents. A medium grey ash ringed dark fell off on its own at 1.25 inch.

Half-way the cigar was strong spice notes of black pepper, cayenne, and hot cinnamon. With 3 inches left the cigar began to unravel, at 2 inches it stared to fall apart. The last inch was so hot, strong, and falling apart - all over me, I let it go.

It lasted just over an hour and a half. A good cigar that I would smoke again if it was $10 or less but for $18, not good enough. Few cigars are but I like to say that I have tried most Litto Gomez cigars.

I guess I am also chasing one of the best cigars I ever had which was a LG Small Cabinet Cameroon in 2007 that was outstanding.
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Old 06-18-2012, 06:47 PM   #2
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Default Re: LG Small Batch #4

I get more coco, coffee, and cinnamon.....that's just what my palate picks up. A rich decadent cigar with near perfect construction (you review baffles me somewhat). That what I have experienced with the many SB 2's, 3's, and now 4's. Try some LFD litto gomez deiz or LG cigars. You shouldn't be disappointed by them....but who knows?
Just my 2cents......
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Old 06-18-2012, 07:47 PM   #3
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Default Re: LG Small Batch #4

The Small Batch #1 was so insanely good that it's probably best Litto give up on the Small Batch game. There's no possible way he could ever match or exceed the greatness of that cigar, it was a true gem in every way.
It makes it hard to expect less, and it sounds like you got a 4 that wasn't up to par at all.
Sorry, brother!!!
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Old 06-18-2012, 07:55 PM   #4
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Default Re: LG Small Batch #4

The only LFD cigar that I did not like was a small batch 3. I have not had the other SB's so my view is one sided. The LG line is IMHO the flagship of Litto's cigars. I will say that when the Oscuro wrapped SB 4 comes out I'll be all over it!
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Old 07-02-2012, 01:34 PM   #5
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Default Re: LG Small Batch #4

I'm not saying that it is bad, I'm just saying my bar for a cigar above $15 price point is high. This is the only LFD / LG in a very long time to have construction issues, but it did nonetheless.
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Old 07-02-2012, 02:06 PM   #6
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Default Re: LG Small Batch #4

I've had a good number of LGD cigars with construction problems, Jacob. (Oddly, I never had a problem with LFD cigars, but I didn't smoke nearly as many.) At a time, I was an LG whore of incredible dimensions. I still have a good amount of 2008 and 2009 Oscuro and Maduro Vintage stuff, I sort of walked past them while I was waiting for them to iron out and stop tunneling on me.
I don't think the construction issues were too far out of line, but LGD cigars are all very pricey and there really shouldn't be any issues when a brother puts the torch to one. I never minded the issues because they weren't all that prevalent, and the cigars were so phenomenal.
For 18 bucks an sb4 shouldn't be falling apart in your hands. Period. I guess I said it earlier, but I think you just got a sub-par stick.
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