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Old 11-23-2011, 10:51 PM   #1
Dear Lord, Thank You.
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Default Let Us Give Thanks...

On this holiday, I'd like to thank the Good Lord for His Love.
After years of painful slowness and stubborn stupidity, I ultimately realized enough of what His Love is about so that I can share it in kind, as best I can. That blessed ability has allowed me to be prepared to receive His Grace when He brought Lisa into my life, a love on this earth like I'd never known could have existed.
I thank Him for my children, all of whom have brought to my life patience, meaning, and a never-ending source of wonderment. They are a story that continues to write itself each day, something that I can watch unfold, a production in which I'm honored to take part. I thank Him that I now have something good and decent that I can share with them.
I thank Him for my family and friends and all His children that I may be challenged each day to express the Love that He has given me to share, despite my judgement and intolerance.
I thank Him for this life, this opportunity, and the unending blessings He bestows on me every day's moment. May I be man enough to accept His gifts with humility, and to use His possessions to continually lift His Holy name.

Please share your thanks here, that we may all be inspired today to love to our fullest capacity, and to shine with the joy that is that happiness.

Happy Thanksgiving to you all, may the Good Lord guide you and keep you on this most beautiful of days. Be certain to do all that is in your power to make it the very best day of your life. I'll be doing the same.
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Old 11-23-2011, 11:12 PM   #2
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Thanks for being a blessing to all of us here at CA.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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Old 11-24-2011, 06:16 AM   #3
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Default Re: Let Us Give Thanks...

Well said Scott! As I sit here on this Thanksgiving morning I have a lot to be greatfull for the Lord has truly blessed me!!!
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Old 11-24-2011, 07:27 AM   #4
ZOTL's mmmmm brainssss
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Default Re: Let Us Give Thanks...

Well said brother.

I am thankful for all that I have today, and more importantly I am thankful for everything the Lord has kept from me...for those are the things that I truly do not need to be happy. Life has been rough at times but faith and love has provided me and my family a great thanksgiving day!

Wishing the best to all my CA brothers!
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Old 11-24-2011, 07:27 AM   #5
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Very inspiring post Scott and all true bro. thanks for always remindind me.
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Old 11-24-2011, 07:46 AM   #6
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Default Re: Let Us Give Thanks...

Well said Scott. HAPPY THANKSGIVING indeed.
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Old 11-24-2011, 08:21 AM   #7
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Amen...Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!!
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Old 11-24-2011, 08:50 AM   #8
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Default Re: Let Us Give Thanks...

Well said Scott. As I sit here watching the parade this morning, my 3yo daughter is playing with her pretend tools and "fixing daddy's chair". My wife is next to me with my son-to-be ready to make an appearance any moment (come to think of it...maybe she should be sitting on a towel). Life is good, and about to get better.

God bless everyone and enjoy your holiday.
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Old 11-24-2011, 10:06 AM   #9
7th Heaven Will Commeth!!
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Default Re: Let Us Give Thanks...

It is easy to take for granted the things we have in thanks should be a daily routine but for many we allow our busy lives to get in the way. Thankfully for us all, the Thanksgiving Holiday gives us the opportunity to reflect on our lives and be thankful for all that is good.

Here are just some of the things in my life that I am very thankful for:

1. My lovely wife of whom I have known now for over 13 years. I don't know where I'd be without her in my life.

2. My family and the good health we all have.

3. Our freedom to enjoy this great country of which we live in.

4. Those brave men and women that have made the ultimate sacrafice for our freedom.

5. A beautiful home with a warm bed to sleep in every night.

6. For great friends that I fully enjoy company with.

7. For a very good career that has been able to provide for a very good life.

8. An always great hot meal that my wife so willingly prepares for me daily upon my arrival home from work.

9. The technologies that allow me to live such an easy and comfortable life.

10. Last, but certainly not least I am thankful to God for helping guide me through my life and helping provide me with all of the great things that I have mentioned above and all the great things in my life of which to come.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
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