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Old 01-24-2011, 03:18 PM   #1
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Default Bad Luck? Or Bad Company?

A while back I stumbled upon Cigar Bid (the devils site) and placed an order for over 190 sticks. I received the order and noticed that about 6 were damaged and emailed them asking if they could replace them. They said they would send out a new package free of charge with replacements of the six cigars and I would not have to send the damaged ones back. I replied with an email thanking them and saying how I suppose this is just a fluke and that I look forward to doing business with them in the future. Well, two days later the UPS guy comes and lives a note on my door to return the damaged box. I email them again and they apologize saying if I already threw the box away that I should not worry about it. However, they wanted me to send the box and the damaged cigars back if I had not thrown it away. Didn't they just tell me to keep the damaged ones? I thought to myself. Oh well, so I emailed them back and said that I did in fact throw the box away, which I had, and I told the UPS guy as well. Everything was resolved but it was a PITA to deal with.

This weekend I placed bids on a box of (25) Gispert Churchill Natural for $49, a box (25) of Indian Tabac Super Fuerte Toro Maduro for $37, and a box (20) of 5 Vegas Series 'A' Apex for $37. Needless to say that I was very excited about saving a decent amount of money on the lots. I received an email today that the order had shipped but noticed that only two of the boxes shipped and next to the Gisperts it said B/O. Now, having dealt with online retailers before I know that this means back ordered. How can a box of cigars that I just bid on in an auction, that was listed as the one of one (as in it was not like some of the other lots that had multiples available) be back ordered? I called and talked with customer service and they put me on hold for 5 minutes while they tried to call the warehouse to see if they had any more in stock. They then let me know that they could not get a hold of the warehouse but it showed in their system that they did not have any in stock. They also let me know that the auction that I bought was traded in for someone who sent back a box. I stayed calm and asked when they might get some in next next. She let me know that it could take as long as 2-3 weeks unless they had some on the docks or in the warehouse and just did not know about it they were going to have to order more. She then let me know that I could exchange the Churchill's (7 x 54) listed on their site for $64, for a box of Toro (6 x 50) $57, Lonsdale (6.5 x 44) $53.50, or Belicoso (6.1" x 52) $62. I told her that I would like to keep my original order, afterall it is what I bid on, and said I would call back tomorrow so they could see about calling the warehouse again. Overall, I am very disappointed in Cigar Bid as a company. Their only redeeming quality is that all of their customer service employees are really nice. I hope that none of this came off as rude or like I was furious and hate them, I understand that I may just be the exception x2, but I am just frustrated with them.

Maybe some of you guys can shed some light on your experiences, positive or negative. I hope that everyone responds with positive experiences though as I would hate for this to happen to anyone else. Also, it could be worse they could be trying to screw me out of my money or shipped me beetle infested cigars and refused to take them back. Always look on the bright side I guess.
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Old 01-24-2011, 03:31 PM   #2
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Default Re: Bad Luck? Or Bad Company?

Cigar Bid is owned by Cigars International. I've had nothing but positive experiences with cbid. Could it be the damaged sticks were due to the shipping company used? I can see your frustration but I wouldn't dog the company because of this. I use cbid alot and have not had any troubles.
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Old 01-24-2011, 03:40 PM   #3
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Default Re: Bad Luck? Or Bad Company?

I've dealt with C-bid a couple times and have been very happy with the results. I've also seen a couple online sites selling boxes that they don't yet have in their possesion. Seems to be a common practice. Don't stress too much about it.

C-bid is about moving lots of sticks as fast as possible. Screw ups like this are bound to happen. It's how well they take care of you that is the key
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Old 01-24-2011, 03:41 PM   #4
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Default Re: Bad Luck? Or Bad Company?

I vote Bad Company, Paul Rogers rocks!
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Old 01-24-2011, 03:43 PM   #5
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Default Re: Bad Luck? Or Bad Company?

Originally Posted by bobarian View Post
I vote Bad Company, Paul Rogers rocks!
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Old 01-24-2011, 03:48 PM   #6
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Default Re: Bad Luck? Or Bad Company?

A big company like that is bond to make some mistakes. You are buying cigars from them because of the big discounts you are getting on the cigars, they made a mistake with one box and offered to exchange it for another. I know the other boxes where a little cheaper MSRP but one was only $2 cheaper. They did their best to take care of the problem, only other thing was to get refunded the cigars on BO.

Not saying just because you get a good deal you should expect problems, but I think a problem that comes up and is dealt with as best they can is something to expect from time to time.

By the way I don't buy anything from them anymore for other reasons.
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Old 01-24-2011, 04:20 PM   #7
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Default Re: Bad Luck? Or Bad Company?

Originally Posted by tx_tuff View Post
A big company like that is bond to make some mistakes. You are buying cigars from them because of the big discounts you are getting on the cigars, they made a mistake with one box and offered to exchange it for another. I know the other boxes where a little cheaper MSRP but one was only $2 cheaper. They did their best to take care of the problem, only other thing was to get refunded the cigars on BO.

Not saying just because you get a good deal you should expect problems, but I think a problem that comes up and is dealt with as best they can is something to expect from time to time.

By the way I don't buy anything from them anymore for other reasons.
I agree with you. I know that with such a large company mistakes will happen. I don't mean to come off like I am writing them off completely or I am saying they are bad company. I just am furstrated with the two orders I have placed and was wanting some feedback on everyone's experiences as well as some advice on what to do in this situation. Regarding the exchange, I really like the Churchill size, and next would be the Toro. However, if I exchanged for the Toros I would only be saving $8 verses $15. I think I am just going to wait it out as I have plenty of cigars at the moment and hope that it doesn't take too long. I am not a stickler for money, especially a difference of $7, but I would just rather wait it out and get what I had wanted than to settle. I hope I don't come off as an ahole though and I don't mean any of this that way at all.
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Old 01-24-2011, 04:25 PM   #8
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Default Re: Bad Luck? Or Bad Company?

It's Bad Luck. I've bought way too much stuff from C-Bid and rarely have a problem. Since they were sold I've had a couple of hiccups with shipping and service. It seems like they have some interdepartmental communications problems, but they really try hard to fix things.

Is C-Bid a bad company, YES because they will make you spend way too much! Truely they are the Devil Site, not because of customer service, but because the deals are just too good to pass up. It's a great company if you're looking to blow a ton of dough.
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Old 01-24-2011, 04:40 PM   #9
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Default Re: Bad Luck? Or Bad Company?

I think that 6 out of 190 is par for the course. Going forward, you will never be happy if you try to find the perfect scenario.
I am not suggesting you let any company that screws you over just get away with it, but rather adjust your idea of a good
transaction to allow for poop happening. I guess it is helpful to know how damaged is damaged? If you are talking about
slightly cracked feet, forget it and move on. Singles do not allow for the normal protection of the cigars in a box.
It's all relative. I'd not only not send them anything, I would not ask them to send me anything either. But that's only me.
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Old 01-24-2011, 04:50 PM   #10
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Default Re: Bad Luck? Or Bad Company?

Originally Posted by OLS View Post
I think that 6 out of 190 is par for the course. Going forward, you will never be happy if you try to find the perfect scenario.
I am not suggesting you let any company that screws you over just get away with it, but rather adjust your idea of a good
transaction to allow for poop happening. I guess it is helpful to know how damaged is damaged? If you are talking about
slightly cracked feet, forget it and move on. Singles do not allow for the normal protection of the cigars in a box.
It's all relative. I'd not only not send them anything, I would not ask them to send me anything either. But that's only me.
I agree and my comments before were not to discredit them but to say that they handled it perfectly except for the mishap with the UPS people. The cigars were torn to crap honestly and a box was dented in but none of those were damaged.

I was afraid of this when I posted the thread. I don't want you guys to think that I am one of those guys who is never happy with what he purchases, especially because I am new here and to cigar smoking for the most part. Honestly, the first part hiccup didn't even bother me that much since, as you guys said, 6 out of 190 is a damn good job. It was just inconvenient but it was resolved in a very timely manner. I just did not like the fact that they had this box listed but did not have it in stock. But I understand they are a large company and mishaps happen so I am not mad at them or think they are a crappy company, I just was wondering what you guys thought and if anyone had similar experiences. Also, since I am so new I am still learning which e-tailers and auction sites are reputable and which ones stink. So in short, please don't take offense to any of this or think that I am a whiner who looks for things to complain about. I just am still learning.
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Old 01-24-2011, 04:59 PM   #11
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Default Re: Bad Luck? Or Bad Company?

I woulda taken the belicosos
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Old 01-24-2011, 07:03 PM   #12
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Default Re: Bad Luck? Or Bad Company?

Can't beat the deals

Just wish they used packaging material. I've had a couple singles or 5ers come damaged.
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Old 01-25-2011, 07:34 AM   #13
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Default Re: Bad Luck? Or Bad Company?

I have had great luck with them. A few times I won items that were back ordered and they let me swap out for cigars of significantly greater value. I am pleased with C Bid... but my wife isn't
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Old 01-26-2011, 12:09 AM   #14
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Default Re: Bad Luck? Or Bad Company?

Personal experience with C-Bid has been that I get damaged packages from time to time. Most it was obviously mishandled in shipping, on rare occasion I find that for some inexplicable reason a stick or two was damaged for reasons that could not be attributed to the shipping company.

In my opinion, I find that a couple damaged smokes in an order isn't typically a big deal to me. 6 out of 190 wouldn't be enough for me to seek replacement unless they were an expensive or special stick I ordered (rare, something specific to taste, a single I bought, etc).
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Old 01-26-2011, 12:20 AM   #15
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Default Re: Bad Luck? Or Bad Company?

6 out of 190? About 3% were damaged and they offered to exchange them? Exactly how damaged were they? Were they unsmokeable? I would have just smoked them or just dealt with it. Your talking about fragile handmade products being sent through the mail. What do you expect?

I have had several online retailers, not only cigar retailers that had quantities on their website that was not perfectly insync with the warehouse. You couldn't wait 2 weeks? You said yourself your getting a good discount.

Sounds a bit whiny.
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Old 01-26-2011, 12:39 AM   #16
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Default Re: Bad Luck? Or Bad Company?

I've had bad dealings with both Cbid and CI. Their customer service is the worst and they ship things horribly. I've gotten 3 shipments that were either damaged or broken. Neither of them will get any more of my business. Bad company IMO.

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Old 01-26-2011, 07:00 AM   #17
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I have spent way too much money with CBID and they have been very, very good regarding their customer service regarding my dealings with them. The only negative is they need to put a cap on the bidding, especially when it can be bought for cheaper at CI. Some people dont know (i didnt) that CBID is owned by CI and sell the same stock. Without checking between the two sites about the price, one can overbid and pay more. JR Cigars has a cap on the bidding, especially if it goes over the retail price.
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Old 01-28-2011, 11:09 PM   #18
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Well after calming down I admit that I over reacted a little bit. They were extremely nice and solved the problem. In fact, the box of Gisperts are on there way to my house as we speak and I just received the other boxes today. Very good customer service for the most part, except for a confusion and with the girl they assigned me, and I will be doing business with them again in the future.
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Old 01-29-2011, 10:44 AM   #19
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I could give you a laundry list of WTF moments and HOLY SH*T moments from CBid throughout the years.

Hell, I've been on the crack site almost 10 years now...

Anyhoo...had the "from time time, substitutions may occur" actually wipe out the entire samplers I had won (EVERYTHING got replaced!). Had auctions that were OOS upon winning. Had shipments that looked like an elephant stepped on them. Had some show up empty...even had some disappear altogether!

Now, that was over 9+ years of orders and auctions. I'm STILL a dedicated fan because you can't beat the selection, opportunity, prices and customer support/relations.

Look at it this way - Sh*t Happens. No one out there is perfect. NO ONE.

What would we have to talk about if every cigar was perfect?
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Old 01-29-2011, 10:49 AM   #20
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I am a retailer, yes, but even before I opened my own shop I never liked purchasing cigars from any of these "big box" stores. It was always about supporting the locals...
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