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Old 08-04-2009, 08:29 PM   #1
Not Crazy enuff to B Here
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Default iPhone question/or other suggestion..

My wife Really Really wants one but I need to make sure its gonna do what she wants..

Main question is how it does as a GPS for her while shes out of town.

Is there a Voice Turn by turn app in the itunes store and has anyone gotten to use it.

if not an iPhone..what would be a better phone for temp duty as a GPS?

Not Crazy enough to be here....
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Old 08-04-2009, 09:37 PM   #2
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Default Re: iPhone question/or other suggestion..

I think the Fan Bois are still waiting for an app that will do turn-by-turn well for the 3G/S. I know TomTom has been promising one for awhile now.

Sprint has a phone/gps that does turn-by-turn very well.
Verizon has its VZ navigator that does turn-by-turn very well also.
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Old 08-05-2009, 02:18 AM   #3
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Default Re: iPhone question/or other suggestion..

Originally Posted by GrumpyOleTroll View Post
My wife Really Really wants one but I need to make sure its gonna do what she wants..

Main question is how it does as a GPS for her while shes out of town.

Is there a Voice Turn by turn app in the itunes store and has anyone gotten to use it.

if not an iPhone..what would be a better phone for temp duty as a GPS?

AT&T has released their Navigator app for the Iphone, works the same as with other smartphones, it's a subscription based app, $10 per month which should meet the needs of anyone who wants a temporary based fix, it's voice turn by turn.

Navigon has also released an app for $70 (price goes up after the 15th) that is not subscription based, and is entirely loaded on the Iphone so you don't need to have cell service wherever you are. Also voice turn by turn.

You've got those two options, Tom Tom will be releasing an app based on the Navigon model very soon now.
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Old 08-05-2009, 08:30 AM   #4
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Default Re: iPhone question/or other suggestion..

^^ +1

Only thing about the AT&T one is that they don't put the maps on your phone, so if you don't have signal, you don't have maps. The Navigon seems to be a lot better... and its only a one time fee. There are also some other apps coming out that seem like they are going to top even the navigon one... so i'm looking forward to seeing those before i purchase anything.
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