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Old 07-01-2009, 09:01 PM   #1
Have My Own Room
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Default Let's Make a Deal!

A young boy had just gotten his driver's permit and asked his father about use of the car.

His father said he'd make a deal with his son. "You bring your grades up from a C to a B average, study your Bible a little, get your hair cut and we'll talk about the car."

The boy thought for a moment, decided he'd settle for the offer and they agreed on it.

After about six weeks, his father said, "Son, I'm real proud. You brought your grades up and I've observed that you have been studying your Bible, but I'm real disappointed you haven't gotten your hair cut."

The young man paused a moment then said, "You know Dad, I've been thinking about that, and I've noticed in my studies of the Bible that Samson had long hair, John the Baptist had long hair, Moses had long hair and there's even a strong argument that Jesus had long hair.

"To this his father replied, "Did you also notice they all walked everywhere they went?"
"The welfare of humanity is always the alibi of tyrants." Albert Camus Cool Cigar Themed Stuff
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Old 07-01-2009, 09:04 PM   #2
Mila smoked my cigar
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There is the proof that education does not always pay.
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"If your wife doesn't like the aroma of your cigar, change your wife.", Zino Davidoff
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Old 07-02-2009, 04:56 AM   #3
Resident Maduro Whore!!
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Too funny!!!!
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Old 07-02-2009, 08:53 AM   #4
I'm nuts for the place
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Default Re: Let's Make a Deal!

Man, my parents need to take note of this and use it on my brother
"To dilute the will to win is to destroy the purpose of the game. There is no substitute for victory"-- Douglas MacArthur
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Old 07-02-2009, 09:01 AM   #5
Big Drunkin Monkey!!
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That is very funny! Thanks for sharing!
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