Damn fool thing to do...
A local B & M had a sale on Rocky Patel cigars, so I caved and decided to pick-up several goodies along with some Edge Maduros. Now, the Edge Maduro was my hands down favorite stick for years, Until I noticed a definite change in every aspect of that cigar. Decided they had become dog rockets and vowed no more. Well, stupidly, I thought that maybe, just maybe my old fav's had returned to their former deliciousness and bought some. Long story short, they are still dog rockets! Tight draw, terrible burn, little flavor. I'll be giving the rest away.
I'd bet that RP is outsourcing those sticks, or have changed the original blend. Even a cigar shop owner friend says they are really poor cigars now and won't sell them because of that.
PO'd that I made that bad move - could have had a couple of honestly good sticks instead. Oh well, at least I still have some nice dark vintage 1990's.