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Old 07-03-2013, 11:59 AM   #1
Suck It
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Join Date: Oct 2008
First Name: Brad
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Default So I'm getting a dash cam.......

You know who you are.....

Like me, you see things daily on the road that curl your hair. But you are a defensive driver,
you know how to stay out of trouble. But what if you are like me, living in a city full of people who
might have studied the driver's manual for a test, but now its every body for themselves?
The light turned red?? Tough, I have to get to the store to pick up a lotto. You gonna wait fo ME
to cross through the intersection, THEN you can go. Yeah, I know you have a green light, tough 5hi+."
Waiting at the light on my lunch break, 3 cars streamed through, in no particular hurry, after my light
turned GREEN. Three is more than usual, sure, but I see this multiple times a day, and I have seen
as many as 5-6 cars go through. And usually, they are on their F&%$#ng phones.

We had a technician get sideswiped Monday in his company truck, I mean clear down the side from
front to back. He said he saw the lady cross two lanes of traffic to sideswipe him in the far third lane.
When the cop shows up, he says he doesn't find the tech's story plausible, that someone could
cross over that far to hit him. Which is cop speak for "I obviously ignore the horrors I see every
single day on the road here in Memphis, and am here to give you 5hi+ even though you are
probably gonna get fired by your tryant lizard boss, Opie."

If the people in this city don't get out holding their necks, then they start up with the BS as soon
as the cop shows up. And since no one really thinks to stop and serve as a witness, [and who could
blame them], its always he said, she said in this world of gotta get my wreck check that TV has
created. If racial bias creeps into it, you are even more screwed.

SO I picked up a dash cam Monday, and it'll be in next week. It is a shame that the sense of shared
responsibility for common decency for all is gone, and that I have to spend $150 on a dash cam so that
when the cop strolls over to me with her side of the story, I can say, "I have it all on tape, you know,
just in case she wants to change her story to the truth".

I suggest you get one, too.
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