I was going to wait until I received more pics, but I couldn't wait.
This is the Down East Boxes humi I ordered. It'll measure around 24" x 12" x 7". Curly maple with walnut stripes. Bob, the owner, has been in constant contact with me every step of the way.
I had requested curly maple that's very curly, so he asked if I wouldn't mind waiting a couple of weeks for his trip to the mill and he would hand-pick some for me. Jokingly, he mentioned that it's the same mill that supplies Fender and Gibson with their curly maple. So I retorted that it's lucky that I'm a guitarist, then. He chuckled and said he would snipe a few boards from Fender's lot.
On Friday he planed out some of the planks and oiled one side so I could get an idea of the curl.
Can't wait.