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Old 11-02-2012, 01:10 PM   #1
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Default Bad Cigar last night

So last night we had a mini herf indoors at my buddies place because the weathers starting to turn shitty. So i brought some sticks , some Cohibas and RYJ churchills , along with some Rocky Patel 1990's.

So we are all lighting up and i go with a RP 1990 , i was really looking forward to this stick as ive tried some other RP stuff and ive really enjoyed it (being a noob and all i cant appreciate more complex sticks , and certaintly nothing to strong) Ive always had nothing but good experiences with his stuff.

So i take my time and toast it really nice for a decent amount of time , so nice being able to take the time light it properly being indoors and all. Get it fired up and the first inch is really nice , but then my smoke output starts going down drastically , along with all my flavors , i have to pull quite hard and get the cigar quite hot to get any smoke oout of it. Its warm and spongy 2 inches down. So i let it go out and cool off and relight it 15 minutes later , it burns good for a few minutes and does the exact same thing.

So im pretty frusterated so i clip a full inch off the cigar , only to reveal that its tunneled out drastically. Clip another inch off and its still showing a charred spot from tunneling. At this point i figure that im pretty safe to relight it , so i let the cigar rest for a few minutes to finish cooling off and then i procede to relight it. After getting 10 minutes of smoking time out of it i get fed up as it does the same thing yet again and i throw away the stick...
Normally i would have my light or the weather to plame for such misfortune , but it could only be a construction issue , which is not something that seems very common of the brand from what ive read.

I wouldnt be so upset except for the fact that i live in Canada and singles from the local place set me back 25-35$ a stick...
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Old 11-02-2012, 01:14 PM   #2
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Default Re: Bad Cigar last night

Squishy had the same experience with a RP 1990 I sent him in a NST.
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Old 11-02-2012, 01:14 PM   #3
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Default Re: Bad Cigar last night

That sucks, I don't know if I've ever had a bad burn from an RP Vintage line. I'd think it could have been your light but if you are sure it wasn't I'll take your word for it. Sometimes you just get an ugly duck. Can happen with just about any brand.
***I will say that the 1990 line is one of my least favorite RP lines***
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Old 11-02-2012, 01:19 PM   #4
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Bad sticks happen. Being a hand made product you cannot expect everyone to be perfect. With that being said if you purchased this from a B&M. Most will replace your stick.
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Old 11-02-2012, 01:19 PM   #5
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Default Re: Bad Cigar last night

Not to salt the wound, but you had Cohiba's and RyJ's to choose from and you chose the RP? Kinda your own fault, eh?

Totally teasing by the way....

Vintage 90's have been hit or miss with me too lately. Not sure what the deal is. I bought a bunch of them a couple of years ago...really enjoyed them at the time. Apparently, time has not been good to them. I had one about a couple of weeks ago that was just crap...figured I had a bad stick, tried again...better but not awesome. Tried again, great flavors for half, then tunneled just like yours.
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Old 11-02-2012, 01:22 PM   #6
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Default Re: Bad Cigar last night

I haven't done much in the rocky line in the last few years. I have found with his line, the first addition is always the best. When he just started with the 90 & 92 line, they almost Padron level. Super fantastic. But through the years that stock is no where the same so it used to be. Not sure what the online choices are in canada, but the pricing is more fair on that way of buying.
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Old 11-02-2012, 01:24 PM   #7
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Default Re: Bad Cigar last night

I tried the 1990s and was not impressed. Sorry to hear you had such a problem.
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