Any city dwellers having a hard time finding a place to enjoy a cigar?
I'm sure it's different from city to city and inmate to inmate, but for me, living as I do in Brooklyn, it's hard to find a suitable place to enjoy a cigar anymore. It's expensive to live here, so I share an apartment with roommates. This is a common NYC strategy -- one that honestly, the older I get, the less I can abide. But in any case, those I live with don't want me puffing away inside the apartment. That's fair. I won't fault them for that. Probably wouldn't smoke inside even if I could, in the name of keeping the place smelling nice. So that leaves me with the outside world.
My front door lets out directly onto a busy sidewalk. There's no stoop, stairs, driveway, garden, lawn, or other peaceful bit of distance between my door and the foot traffic. The instant I step out, until I start walking in one direction or the other, I feel much like a parked car on a busy freeway. It doesn't feel like the right place for a cigar. Perhaps here you're thinking, 'Dave, it's a free country. You're at liberty to smoke a cigar on the sidewalk.' Well, perhaps that's true. But between dodging oncoming pedestrians, and simply knowing that I'm upsetting people with my cigar smoke at such close quarters, it goes a long way toward ruining my cigar experience. I dunno. Once I feel that weight on my shoulders, I have trouble enjoying the cigar. So, where do I go to enjoy a cigar?
The park is out due to the smoking ban, the apartment is out, and outside my front door is out. That leaves me either combing the neighborhood for an unlikely deserted side street, or making a big to-do of it by taking two trains into Manhattan in order to visit an expensive cigar bar with a dress code. Know what option I most often choose? The save-the-cigar-for-another-day option. And sadly, that that day keeps not coming. And I end up enjoying fewer and fewer cigars.
I'd love to know how other city-dwelling inmates handle this. Thank you so much.