As the title says, this is my first time smoking a Davidoff so I thought I would do sort of a "live review" and update the thread while smoking, so I can just record my thoughts as they come to me.
This one appears to be a standard PC size smoke, I'm guessing 5x42. The band has the number 2000 printed on the side, not sure if that means anything. Here's a crappy phone pic.
Right off the bat here, I'm enjoying the overall flavor but having trouble distinguishing individual characteristics. The perfect balance of the blend is honestly the most defining characteristic so far.
It's definitely more salty than sweet. There is the faintest hint of sour grass, which is a flavor I usually associate with lighter Connecticut shade wrappers, although the wrapper on this one looks a little darker, closer to a rosado maybe.
I'll update in a minute and see how it progresses.