We attend a class at our church with a number of other couples and we have a charity we're raising some money for to build a well in Ethopia. We have a large garage and our community had a garage sale on Saturday, so we offered to let everyone contribute that wanted to help raise some funds.
Of course, everyone was eager to get the crap out of their house and sent over to ours. Only a handful of people actually physically came out to help set up and "work" during the sale. The rest of the people were more than content dropping their crap off and driving off as their child's soccer/baseball/etc game was too important for one parent to sacrifice while my wife missed out to "man" the sale.
Sale is over, a couple of people were helpful to put clothing in trash bags. But now a great idea has surfaced-we can send all of these clothes to Haiti where 3 of them just got back from on a mission trip. The best part is they don't know when any of this can happen and I don't see anyone forming a line to help empty 3 bays worth of garage sale crap cluttering up my garage. There are still tables throughout the garage and cannot even get my trashcans out tonight as it stands.
And yep, I'm the a-hole for telling my wife I'm going to call Goodwill or someone to pick all of this crap up or they can figure out a way to get these clothes out of my garage before the week is up.
Never again...