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Old 04-28-2011, 01:52 PM   #1
Suck It
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Default OOOOooolld Sound card??

Anyone have an OLD sound card that would run under win 98 architecture laying around in a drawer??
I gave somebody 120 bucks worth of CCs here at work for what was supposed to be a computer
capable of running WIN98. All he really wanted was the cigars obviously, so he could help his old man
get rid of a junk computer and have some nice CCs for his dad for Christmas. Well after taking it home
and beating my head against the wall, it became clear that I had been fudged. But as he is a co-worker,
I am forced b company rules to man up and forget about it. But I made him feel like crap by letting him know
that I was out 120 bucks and that he could have the 50 pound POS back. Well he came to me today
about two months later, "Man, I want to make it right". I told him there was nothing to make right,
I had written it off and was not gonna expend any more brain cells on that bad deal. I told him that
if in his spare time he found a sound card that was ancient enough, and it actually WORKED then I would
take it home. The OS worked but it never would create sound, and all the drivers for all the BS he shoveled
down my throat never amounted to jack squat. I make it sound like I got angry today, but I really just told
him not to lose any sleep over it, I had moved on and would rather not talk about it.

Oh, what all this is about is if anyone has an old SC in a drawer that they know will run in WIN98,
I'd be happy to trade cigars for your trouble. But please, no need to get involved unless you know
it will work in 98 or 98SE. Otherwise, it's the same old thing, isn't it?

It can be ISA bus or PCI card, I have both free in that gigantic steel POS.

Last edited by OLS; 04-28-2011 at 02:01 PM.
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