Best NFL Playoff Game of The Weekend?
If you could only watch one of the four games this weekend, which one would it be?
Teh pohl included...
I think the Steelers/Baltimore game will easily be the best, at least from "pure painful football" standpoint. Steelers win 24-13.
I think the Green Bay/Atlanta game could become a real offensive shootout, and turn into a very fun, high-powered game to watch. Especially if you like to watch a couple really good offenses at the peak of their games. Green Bay wins 37-35.
I think the Seattle/Chicago game will be like watching Women's Basketball. I don't care who wins this one. One of them, 6-3.
I think the Jets should just stay home. It'll save on therapy bills. If the Jets can score 75 points in the first half, they may pull this one out. New England wins NFL Playoff Record For Points Scored-14.
Last edited by shilala; 01-15-2011 at 08:19 AM.