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Old 06-02-2011, 04:48 PM   #1
Ain't Never Gonna Leave
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Default LG -vs- Opus. And the winner is!

MJ came up north with me on Sunday to help me get some work done up ther and to get in some fishing. While we were there, there was some herfing activities, and one of the things we thought we'd try is to do a comparison tasting of an Opus X with a Litto Gomez Diez. Why? Well, they are Dominican puros, including the wrappers. One is a household word, but the other is not, but both are recognized as very good.

MJ and I do not share the same tastes in cigars (or some other things). While we do like some things in common, we also have some things that we do not share agreement upon. We have thought about doing shared reviews, it is something we've discussed. We thought this might be a great idea to start that possible reviewing duo, a joint review of these cigars which share a common national lineage.

Now, to do this correctly, we thought we'd sample them simultaneously and use the old version of the SMOKE review style for our reviewing format. To do it properly, wwe figured we do as a modified puff-puff-pass with these two cigars, sort of sharing them and spending a little bit of time with each as the smoke progressed through the various stages.

We should have probably invoked the camera more often, but hey, we didn't - get over it. Before we go too far though, here are the pictures we did get. These are some shots of the competitors, an Opus Power Ranger and an LG Robusto. We were sipping Eagle Rare and I was also enjoying a Sam Adams Chocolate Bock.

Same thing, only a little different.

So, on to the review. We didn't use the scoring system from SMOKE, just used their topics to guide our comments. So, the points here awarded are simply my opinion - MJ can add his scores later if he so decides. Here is the meaning of those scores: 0.0 - 2.0 = poor/inferior quality; 2.1 - 2.9 = fair; 3.0 - 3.5 = good; 3.5 - 4.5 = excellent; 4.6 - 5.0 = superior

First, we did the Aesthetics of the cigar - what was the eye-appeal factor.
Opus Aesthetics: It is our mutually shared opinion that in all cigardom Opus does have the most exquisite band, very regal in apearance. The wrapper is a beautiful Colorado maduro with a triple cap and a slight sheen of oil. But, there was one major vein plainly evident in the wrapper leaf. Also, astoundingly, we could plainly make out the four individual lines from the press and the quarter turn press that a cigar undergoes before the wrapper is applied - two lines were obvious, the other two were visible, but were only noticed after our attention was drawn to look for them. For a $12-$15 cigar, that was a bit more than we thought appropriate. 4.0 (the press marks lowered it quickly)

LG Aesthetics: Another good-looing band, very classy, but doesn't quite live up to the Opus band. Another Colorado maduro wrapper encases this smoke, but it is a bit darker and more oily looking than the Opus. We decided we better look for veins in the wrapper and marks from the press. In our investigation, we discovered that there must have been a serious vein in the binder - it's presence was plainly visible, but it was obvious it wasn't a vein in the wrapper leaf. Also, we did find one press mark, but that took some searching to see. 4.7

Pre-Light Construction: We agreed that both were very well constructed. If any thing, the Opus drew a little looser in the pre-light draw than did the LG and appeared to have a little less heft in the hand. We were surprised to fing that pre-light flavors were amazingly similar, could it be the fact that they were both grown entirely in Dominican soil? 4.8

Opus Post-light Construction: Within the first inch, there were already burn issues appearing, so they were corrected immediately before we got any further. Well, the burn issues returned and were a problem for the length of the stick. Draw was nice throughout, and the slightly flaky greyish white ash held for a good inch and a half+. 3.3 (shouldn't have touch up that often, 3 times during course of smoke)

LG Post-light Construction: There was a slight burn issue after lighting, but it self-corrected in the first inch & a half. A charcoal greyish ash held for a good inch and a half. The tighter draw during pre-light was not a problem in any way, it drew nicely. 4.6

Opus Flavor/Strength: Initially, there were flavors of nut and an earthy sweetness (yeah, I didn't know how else to describe it), with a backdrop of cedar. Cinnamon and pepper were present, but the pepper predominated. The Opus gained in strength as it smoked and some leather and other spice came in and out of the mix as well as the hint of some fruitiness. However, it is like the flavors are muted and not very crips. 4.4 .

LG Flavor/Strength: Initial flavors were lighter than the Opus, but there was definitely hints of molasses and some spice at the outset. The complexity grew in the LG as a citrus tang became noticable and joined the interplay of sweet molasses and spice. 4.8

Opus Aroma: This left a nice room note of sweet cinnamon, but do not snork this cigar, it will leave your eyes watering. 4.3

Combined Aroma commentary: While the LG is easier to snork (exhale from mouth out your nose) the Opus is lighter in a flavor sense. We found this an oddity.

LG Aroma: Here is where the citrus tang really showed through, and where I was first able to identify the sweet flavor as molasses. You can snork this one. 4.7

Opus & LG Overall: MJ noticed a slight through irritation when puffing the Opus. It has some very nice flavors, but the burn issues are seriously off-putting. We both so badly wanted to like the Opus, after all, it is the Opus X and it did have some wonderful flavors. But, it just seemed to fall short, especially side by side.

And here we had to agree, the LG is the cigar we both wanted to have in our hands. The scores above may not show that great of a difference, but side by side it was extremely obvious which cigar we liked better. There were some similarities, but the LG was bolder in flavors while smoother to smoke, and the complexity kept building.

And the winner is: Litto Gomez Robusto

Interestingly, with about 2 inches left to it, the Opus kept going out. So, MJ wouldn't give up the LG. I got frustrated and lit up an Anejo #50. Wow, I do like AF premium lines - quite a bit.

Peace of the Lord be with you.
Todd__ "Smoke what you like, and enjoy it!"
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