Parents and Black Ops Players
I have a question for my CA Family. My 12yr old step son is a great kid. Straight A's never in trouble. He is a little young for his age, but a great overall kid.
The dilema is he really wants Black Ops for Christmas. I say no, his mom says no, but dad wants to buy it for him. He is at our house the majority of the time and we can put our foot down and say no. At our house we sit where he is gaming as a family and my wife or I are usually in earshot. At his dad's, No supervision at all!!! Dad will leave the 12 and 10yr olds alone for hours.
I have not played the game and really don't know about it.
Do we let him get it????
Last edited by Coach Deg; 11-20-2010 at 06:34 AM.