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Old 11-06-2013, 08:47 PM   #1
Dude Here
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Default Most overrated cigar you've ever smoked?

So we've all seen cigar advertising before. Beautiful pictures of cigars with wrappers emmiting an oily sheen. Usually a quote or two from some cigar industry higher up proclaiming how it's the best smoke they've ever had. And, more often then not, some sort of 90+ rating proudly displayed on the page. So one day you're out shopping, either online or at your B&M and you see it. That beautiful stick that garnered such praise and adulation that you can't help. It buy one (that $15 price tag be damned). A few hours (or days, weeks, months) later you're sitting down for a smoke, it's time to see what all the fuss was about. You light that bad boy up stinks. Either the burn is terrible, it's poorly constructed or the flavors just plain suck. "But wait", you think to yourself, "this thing is supposed to be awesome, what happened here?" This ever happen to you?

For me this has been the story of the Ashton VSG. I have never had one that burned or drew correctly. Normally I would just think a bad box, right? However these were three different sticks, from three different retailers and they all had similar issues. Really frustrating considering the price tag these cigars carry. So, I pose the question to you my fellow cigar enthusiasts, what's the most overrated, underperforming cigar you've ever had?
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