I have a question maybe you can help me with
Okay, here is the scenario...You have a set of two very nice HTF cigars set aside for you and a buddy to smoke. The occasion arises and he then comes over to smoke. He brings some cigars with him. You give him the cigar to smoke, and you have one also, like I said. He then pulls out one of his cigars and says, "I am going to save this for a special occasion." Keep in mind this was not a "special occasion" but still, I consider it pretty damn special to be smoking this specific cigar, so I guess yes, it actually was a special occasion. To be specific, he said he was going to wait 'till Christmas to smoke it. I was very heated about this, but I did not speak up and say anything. Well, anyways, my question to you is: What do you think of the situation, and what would you have done about it? TIA.........