Question regarding drip brewing and how many scoops per cup
I got a drip brewer for Christmas from the MIL and was wondering what a good starting point is for scoops per cup? I brewed 6 cups of 100% kona using 4 scoops today and it was pretty darn good, but I'm wondering if I'm brewing weaker or stronger than average.
Oh, and the scoop I was using was from my bodum, so I'm also wondering if that is a normal size scoop for my drip or if I need to get a scoop specifically for a drip.
I'm new at this if you can't tell.
Anyway, I LOVED the Kona. Smoothest coffee I've ever had without a hint of bitterness. Odd thing is, looking at smith farms it looks like they aren't really much more $$$ even after shipping. I am assuming smith farms beans are better as well.
What are some other (cheaper) coffees I should try as well since the kona will be a treat (will probably buy a pound every quarter or so)?