Well, since my move to Charleston in January, I have been busy as the dickens. Time has really flown by. My life, as I knew it before in DC, has changed dramatically. Aside from spending alot of my time in training, the rest of my time has been spent texting, calling, and chatting online with my wife and kids. I miss everything about my old life, as it were, especially the time I used to spend on the boards. I guess, all (good) things must come to an end. I will be spending a week with the family next week, then I am off to Washington State to do Survival (SERE: Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape) training. This should be quite an experience for me, and will prepare me to be a flyer if my plane should ever go down behind enemy lines.
Regardless, I will be deploying somewhere in harms way toward the end of the year, so I will keep all in touch with as many people as I can. Hope everyone is doing well in the online cigar community world.