Ug - flood in offcie
UG! About 5pm I noticed some water on the office floor (new laminate wood). I figured I tracked some in from outside (was fixing the sprinker system). Then I saw some more over by my wife's desk and knew I hadn't been over there - panic time. Yup, after careful examination, I had a full blown flood! Long story short the water main line cracked, and sent a stream of water through the shared office/2nd bath wall, under the storage closet carpet (ruining a 90% full roll of Ilford paper for about a $100 hit), and under the whole room's flooring. The wood was now starting to buckle at the seams and after ripping the whole room up, the underlayment was completely saturated leaving a pool to mop up. It had only been like that for a matter of a few hours at best, so I'm REALLY hoping the planks dry out and go back down. They aren't bad, but they aren't perfect. On the underside you can see the edges got soaked about 1" in all the way around each one. I have them laying upside down through the rest of the house, and have the ac cranked way up to try and dry them fast. I hope they don't take too long to dry out. The pipe was another mess to fix - I think I have the original break repaired, but now just turned the main back on and have another small leak downstream on a PVC joint, so that's an easy replacement.
And of course - no office means no computers. I'm on my studio laptop for the time being.