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Old 02-04-2009, 01:55 PM   #1
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Default General Apology and Explanation

Talk about a strange couple of days.

I am going to try to clear the air about my thoughts on bombing people. Or rather more specifically people bombing me. I have long conveyed that I do not like to get bombed and that I would rather it be PIF’d than hit me.
This is only partially true. I have no desire for someone to bomb me purely because I sent something their way. I am not retaliatory in how I send things and I would hope that is never what is felt by the receiver. There is zero expectation other than to take what is received and enjoy it. In some cases I have been hit by those that I have sent stuff too, but I so far have never felt it too be in expectation of the next big bomb or that it lead to an escalation of packages back and forth.

Do I enjoy getting the odd package from a BOTL with a stick or two in it that he might think I would enjoy, absolutely I don’t think any of us would be able to honestly say otherwise. Should I be rewarded because I send out a few packages to people, well I don’t think so. If that is why I am doing it then in fact then I should be ostracized. Do I do it to get praise and recognition? I would like to think I am beyond that but perhaps there is a little part that likes that as well. I don’t bomb for the praise but it is nice to get I won’t say otherwise. But let’s be clear, at least half of the packages I have sent never get reported nor do I expect them too, in fact in some ways I am starting to lean on the side of some of the FOG’s maybe I should just send and forget, but I digress.

I think that perhaps some of the actions of yesterday might have got clouded and that fault falls squarely on my shoulders. I overreacted to something that I should have just been able to ignore. I also included something in with it that truly didn’t belong there. I am speaking of the “Fox Hunt” lumping it in with my anger towards the other post was wrong and put some unnecessary heat on those that where partaking in it. Do I want to be mass bombed…… Would I like those same guys to PIF it to someone else sure. Am I honored that they would consider me worthy you bet I am. I am saddened that I have caused so much angst amongst this great community of ours I am not great at accepting things, it embarrasses me, I do not think I am deserving of that kind of attention, don’t mistake it for humility that would imply that I am not self serving in my motives and that is not the case. For I should just be accepting of how things are and not try to force my will on the world, I guess by that I mean it isn’t for me to choose if people wish to send me something or not after all I certainly never follow that credo when sending packages. If I think that I would like to send something I don’t even remotely consider if the receiving person wishes to get it or not, I just go about getting their information and fire a package into the mail. Assuming that I can therefore insist on the other side that it doesn’t happen is therefore hypocritical.

This has then set brother against brother on what is my feelings and intentions around getting bombed. My hypocrisy is the very root of this angst, I set one set of rules for myself yet expect the rest of the community to follow another.

I would like to apologize to you all. Those that came to my defense, those that rose against. There is no defense for causing others any anguish. More specifically I would like to apologize to Al, he is and can be abrasive and opinionated, he has often told me that I cannot continue to send packages to others and expect to be exempt from the return, he has highlighted my hypocrisy and held me accountable for it, yet I laughed it off. He took a fair bit of flack for the hunt yesterday and today and I think it was misplaced, it is and should be my responsibility.

I hoped to word this such that it does not come the subject of much debate, I toyed with the idea of having the mods close it after I posted it, but that again is a hypocritical position. I hope this sheds some understanding, if I have wrongly said something or insulted someone or something isn’t clear please PM me give me a chance to right the wrong rather than causing another furious debate.

Thank you

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