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Old 09-25-2014, 07:04 AM   #1
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Default Local Shop Humidity/Temp

I have been thinking about this for a couple weeks...

I have been into a local B&M quite a few times, and I am always amazed that their walk-in humidor changes temp & humidity so regularly. And usually, it is above 70/70. When mentioning this to staff, they will even admit that it is and say, "We're working on it."

And they have both their Oasis going full steam. Can you lower humidity with 2 oasis running?

Is it that hard to keep temp and/or humidity lower in the humidor?

I have noticed a number of B&M cigar shops that keep their humidity way higher than it should be in walk-in humidors - from all over my travels across the states. And in some cases showing them spongy or even moldy cigars from their humidors.

Why do they do this? Is there a logical explanation?

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Old 09-25-2014, 07:46 AM   #2
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Default Re: Local Shop Humidity/Temp

From my time working at a shop with a decent sized walk-in, I can say that it is harder to control than expected. We had a good system that only sprayed when it was low, but occasionally it would spike up to 71-72% and it was hard to bring it down. This was usually when it was particularly humid outside, so just opening the door couldn't bring it down.

The one other feature it had, which benefited the customer, is that it would beep every 10 seconds whenever it was 71% or above. That way we were rushed to lower it if it did spike, since everybody was asking us what is wrong even if they had no idea what humidity it was supposed to have.

Temp was also tricky, but we ended up just buying a window unit and cutting a hole in the wall with the back sticking out into the back hallway
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Old 09-25-2014, 07:47 AM   #3
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Default Re: Local Shop Humidity/Temp

Either they're anticipating a ton of foot traffic i.e. the door to the walk-in being opened and closed frequently and they're bracing against those anticipated RH/temp drops, or it's inexcusable neglect. I don't see it any other way. What else could it be?

Ben beat me to it (post above mine).
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Old 09-25-2014, 08:44 AM   #4
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Default Re: Local Shop Humidity/Temp

That's another reason I think owning a B&M would be very difficult. Here in the South, the humidity is a bear in the summer and would cause all kinds of issues. It would take a very efficient AC system and humidification system.
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Old 09-25-2014, 11:37 AM   #5
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Default Re: Local Shop Humidity/Temp

My local keeps his around 66% provided that is a correct reading. Although in the winter he used to keep a heater in there and it would drive me nuts, but he has since stopped that. Not sure the reason for a high humidity like that other then the opening of the doors.
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Old 09-25-2014, 12:27 PM   #6
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Default Re: Local Shop Humidity/Temp

Not many make a real investment into making it perfect. A cellar for long term storage and well controlled display walk-in for short term storage.

You have to consider the clientele going to the B&M and their expectations, which often are not very high. Visit the world's best cigar shops and the walk-in's are perfect.
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Old 09-25-2014, 03:37 PM   #7
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Default Re: Local Shop Humidity/Temp

More money more money more money. It really to me translate out to, The more they put into a good walk in the better it will be. I went from a town where I used to go to all the B&M to get my cigars and pipe tobacco. Over the years I started to see a decline in quality and then in storage. It was like they didn't care. Then it was only one I would buy from. In the mall even. But his Walk in was Prime. Always 70/70 no matter the foot traffic he had. Here only place really with a Walk in I have had to tell them every time I was there that the place wasn't right. Out of water. Last time I went in there they had a new bigger machine and seems to be better. In my state or my part of the state anyway only one that stocks Cigars is Liquor Stores. They really only care about the Booze and Cigs. Cigars seems to be an after thought. A new store opened up 2 years ago they have a nice large cabinet, 1/2 of only ok cigars other half empty. I have asked them to get in a few that I would buy some even whole boxes and all I get is a run around. Sorry we can only buy from XYZ and they don't offer them cigars. On all the ones I have asked for sorry not offered. I want a cigar that I want I have to buy them from a Good B&M in a state with higher cigar tax, plus sales tax then I have to pay even more tax in my state for buying them out of state. Same when I buy online. Think the people could just do a tax for all states no matter where you live or buy to cover the tax in that state. I know more paper work for the retailer. Anyway got off topic.

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Old 09-25-2014, 05:44 PM   #8
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Default Re: Local Shop Humidity/Temp

I think most walk in humidor units are designed to put out moisture but not take moisture out of the air. To have a well maintained humidor you need a way to increase and decrease the RH when needed. Some more advanced set-ups will do this but they are costly. If the ambient RH is not lower than the RH in the humidor, then the air movement caused by opening and closing the door will not help regulate humidity.
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