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Old 12-03-2013, 11:31 AM   #1
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Default Washer and Dryer Help

Looking for input from you guys. I'm looking at a new washer and dryer, but the more I read and try to learn the more confused I get (by online reviews) and kind of get the, these things are more complicated than they need to be with all the various cycles.

I was looking at an LG set model WT5070CW which is highly rated by consumer reports and on sale at Sears. But the washers seem very finicky to the way you load them, very sensitive to unbalanced loads. By the online reviews it says the washing machine is rough on the clothes ripping and tangling them up also not washing the clothes very well. This seems to be the commonality between all the top loading high efficiency washers, from the reviews that I have read.

I wouldn't mind going to a front loading if the above problems are reduced, but dang it if they don't cost $300 or more then a top loading. Even on sale this past weekend, most I saw were still in the $1000 range . I know of the possible smell that can come from a front loader but my main fear is a gasket failure causing major water leaks from the door.

Also are the extended warranty's worth it? I've had my washer and dryer for close to 10 some-odd years not a hiccup and now the washer is acting up; Way past what the extended warranty would cover and the cost of the extended plan is half of what the cost of the machines would be. I've tightened everything I could and could probably just get a repair man out here, but willing to bite the bullet on a new set just for the energy and water saving benefit.

I'm open to various brands but cost will be a major factor. Right now I'm looking at a little under $750 per washer/dryer plus a rebate of $100 so that brings them down to $700 per before taxes.
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