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Old 12-10-2012, 04:05 PM   #1
Heads up get down
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Default Economy?

[RANT=cmitch]Some say it's getting better. I know of no business that has seen growth except the liquor store. As for me, my blood pressure is up and my paycheck is down. We haven't had a pay increase in FIVE years and not looking like we'll get one next year, either. I'm fed UP! But there's little I can do but suck it up and take what I'm being given until something better comes along – if it ever does. Meanwhile, my wife's business (catering) is non-existent. WORST year ever in our 17 year history. She's done ONE Christmas party this month. She usually does 4 or 5. No sign it will ever pick up. Plus, we were just notified of ANOTHER Blue Cross Blue Shield rate INCREASE that's sure to remove another $18 to $20 per week out of my check. Bottom line, after last night's discussion with the wife, I simply have to STOP all cigar purchases for awhile so I can continue retirement contributions at the present rate. I've considered another part time job. I was hoping another B&M would open in our area and I could at least subsidize my habit by working there but it didn't materialize. Maybe we can sort this out by taking control of our life with self-employment of some other kind. We have a small inherited house for sale that will help on the short term. The stress is setting in and I've NEVER been so scared for my lively-hood as I am now and I know others have it much worse. I guess I'll get a bump in my focus come Thursday when I help out with the annual toy give away. That will always get your blessings a countin'. [/RANT OVER]
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Old 12-10-2012, 04:12 PM   #2
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Default Re: Economy?

I hope things pick up for you in 2013, Brother. I have had 1% increases at work the last 4 years, while our state taxes have gone up 40%, property taxes have almost doubled, insurance rates up, etc....each year it seems like expenses outpace income. Add to that all the equity I lost by buying a new home at the height of the market that I counted on having 2 incomes to pay for (and then getting divorced 2 months later and buying out the ex), and it seems like things will never get even....but we must keep plugging along, keep our hopes up, and make adjustments to deal with whatever life deals to us. I wish the best for you going forward.

Thanks Dave, Julian, James, Kelly, Peter, Gerry, Dave, Mo, Frank, Týr and Mr. Mark!
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Old 12-10-2012, 04:15 PM   #3
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Default Re: Economy?

Hang in there Mitch... We all feel for you man... It's crappy all over like you said...

As Much as We (you & I) dislike our work, there are many out there that would kill for the extra income... (Silver Lining) We both just have to keep our head's high and tread the water till the sea calms down...

Have Faith that things will be alright Brother...

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Old 12-10-2012, 04:36 PM   #4
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Things are tough here too brother,we'll be adding you to our thoughts and prayers...
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Old 12-10-2012, 05:07 PM   #5
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Default Re: Economy?

We haven't got a cost of living increase in over five years, but our health care goes up every year, my house is worth 60% what I paid for it, It sucks ass, I know, all I can say is just hang in there. Told the wife if it gets bad enough, we'll walk and live in a camper, screw it. I'll still have my sticks though, that's an enjoyment the man can't take away from me.
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Old 12-10-2012, 05:47 PM   #6
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Default Re: Economy?

Same boat. No pay increase, meanwhile life staples such as bread, milk, clothing, utilities, gas, insurance.... go up. My work switched insurance plans to a High Deductible plan Only, so if any thing serious happens to anyone of my family, I pay out of pocket until I reach a very high deductible. I am afraid if that would happen I would have to consider bankruptcy because I do not make enough money in order to save thousands of dollars to pay for anything unexpected. Whats ironic is that I work for a major health care corp that made billions of dollars last year, yet they cant provide affordable healthcare or take care of their own employees!
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Old 12-10-2012, 05:54 PM   #7
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Default Re: Economy?

Thoughts & Prayers Sent For All Of You. I Make A Good Living With A Steady Job, But No Increase In Salary Over The Last 6 Years, Either. Just Glad The Health Care Business Is Always Busy. Hopefully Everyone Who Needs & Wants A Job Will Find One Soon.
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Old 12-10-2012, 06:02 PM   #8
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Default Re: Economy?

Originally Posted by BeerAdvocate View Post
Same boat. No pay increase, meanwhile life staples such as bread, milk, clothing, utilities, gas, insurance.... go up. My work switched insurance plans to a High Deductible plan Only, so if any thing serious happens to anyone of my family, I pay out of pocket until I reach a very high deductible. I am afraid if that would happen I would have to consider bankruptcy because I do not make enough money in order to save thousands of dollars to pay for anything unexpected. Whats ironic is that I work for a major health care corp that made billions of dollars last year, yet they cant provide affordable healthcare or take care of their own employees!
Its a crying shame... Employers used to value their Employees, now we are all just interchangeable cattle... If we step out of line someone else will gladly step up and take our place...

I have a college degree and still can't seem to make more then 9.00/hr ... Health insurance is nothing but a far off dream for me, something I had once when I was young... Who knows, maybe Obama-care will help the situation, but maybe it won't... the one thing I do know is that I don't think any Generation before mine has had it quite like this... At least the Babyboomer's had a chance in a thriving economy... My generation is damned to unskilled / semi-skilled labor, and its not because we haven't tried, its because the job's that take talent are still being held by the generation before us... and effort can't/isn't being rewarded so alot of us have taken to Apathy... It's really disheartening...
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Old 12-10-2012, 07:30 PM   #9
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I hope everyone's 2013 turns around for the better.. I'm looking at another year of a pay freeze for DoD employees, with no end in sight. I plan on getting a house in Washington state with my lady in the next few years, and I honestly have no clue how I'm even going to start. This economy has really hurt me especially in the last three years. And I'm not even saving money anymore now that I spend all my extra cash on cigars. Heh, I guess I know what I need to do to fix my problems.. ... Ride a bike everywhere.
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Old 12-10-2012, 08:06 PM   #10
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Still sucks for me!
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