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Old 09-16-2009, 09:26 AM   #1
Curly Cut
Not Scary
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Default GH&Co Dark Flake (unscented)

G&H Dark Flake (unscented):

well, on another pipe forum, someone was talking about this stuff, but the "scented" version, whatever that is, as i've never heard of either (now i have, and it's great as well). i'm trying to do some research, and it looks like this is a bulk blend by GH&Co that has that "lakeland" smell to it... it didn't have any topping/casing that i could tell though.

anyway, a member and i exchanged PMs and he sent me a few flakes to try...

okay, now, you know that SG and/or GH&Co makes some seriously strong chit. Bracken flake can knock you down a notch, as will 1792 and their ropes. well, i packed a large bowled Sasieni on my way back to lunch...
got there, sat in the parking lot and didn't want to move at about the halfway point.

a few notes.
1. this is damn good, especially if you like SG/GH&Co flakes.
2. this is damn strong.
3. i had a very hard time keeping it lit for longer than 2 minutes at a time.
4. newbies ask, "hey, what pipe tobacco tastes most like a cuban cigar to you?" well, i think i've found it. i have never had a pipe tobacco taste like a cigar at all (never had the robusto or maduro or whatever cow), and i was not looking for it to taste like a cigar, yet there i was comparing it to a young cuban cigar that would burn through the nose. didn't have the "cuban twang", but it had some "twang" and the smoothness and smokie-ness of the flavors reminded me of a cigar.
5. after work, i smoked less than the last half of the bowl, and the nicotine level still affected me on the drive home.

so, very hard to keep lit, very strong, very good, closest (and only) pipe tobacco i've had that made me even think it tasted like a cigar.

since i wrote this review a while back, it's one of my favorites and is not that hard to keep lit, was more operator error than anything.
To be 2nd guessed, You have to be the 1st guesser.
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