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Old 12-22-2016, 11:02 PM   #1
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Default Padilla 1932 Black torpedo

I remember when Padilla first came onto the scene, almost all their stuff was gold. Then they had some problems and the quality started to fall off. The Padilla Hybrid, for example. Those were excellent smokes. Now they're a $2 bundle cigar and total garbage. The Pepin-made Padillas were incredible smokes, and now those lines are decent but a shadow of their former selves. Same with the Oliva-made lines. Well, the 1932 Black is a line I never tried, so I snagged a 5 pack on C-bid. I'm smoking this cigar ROTT.

A nice looking cigar. No lumps, heavy in the hand. Looking at the foot, I can see several different shades of tobacco rolled in a nice circular pattern. Easy cut and perfect draw. A very well-constructed cigar.

First few draws...pretty straightforward CIGAR flavor on the draw and through the nose, with a nice coconut flavor on the finish.

About 1" in...dominant flavor is the same, a bit of woodsy flavor through the nose. Coconut still present on the finish.

About halfway...much the same. Not much depth to the flavor. Not a bad cigar, just pretty one-dimensional. Small burn correction.

A little past halfway...mostly the same. Not impressed, but not a BAD cigar. Just...a cigar.

Toward the end...woodsy flavor has intensified a bit. This cigar is missing something. I can't explain it. There's a certain depth to the flavor of a cigar that I look for now. A palate coating, deep rich flavor that I'm just not getting from this cigar. I can't describe it. Shallow? Bland? I let the cigar die at around 2".

Final thoughts...although this wasn't a bad cigar, it just wasn't good. I'll revisit them after a long nap in the humidor, but my expectations are low.
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Old 12-23-2016, 08:59 AM   #2
Porch Dweller
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Default Re: Padilla 1932 Black torpedo

Good review, thanks for sharing.
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