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Old 04-28-2014, 11:10 AM   #1
the jiggler
ˇtaste my pirate paddy!
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Default Have you ever smoked an entire box without smoking anything else?

The short: Just curious if anyone has bought a box and smoked the entire thing through without smoking any other sticks? If so, any thoughts? Was it a good experience? Would you do it again?

The long: A buddy of mine and I were taking about how we like to try new sticks all the time, sort of the groove we have fallen into, partially out of economic reality in terms of the way we buy and partially because we are still noobs and there are so many sticks we haven't tried. Whatever the reason it seems we only get to sticks we have tried before, and/or really like, once or twice a month. In the meantime we continue to add to the list of sticks we'd like to burn again.

For both of us, our favorite stick is the T52 robusto and we started talking about what it would be like if we could buy a whole box and smoke all 25 in a row, without smoking any other stick in between. Would it ruin us with regards to other sticks? Would we get sick of them? Would we discover new flavors and pairings we liked but hadn't noticed before?

So before I started selling stuff off so I can buy a box, I thought I'd throw the topic out there just to see if anyone else has done it and what kind of experience it was for them. I'm sure I saw a thread somewhere where Tom regaled all with a yarn about how back in the day he smoked nothing but Ghurka Assassins for a year but I can't seem to find it.

Hecho exclusivamente para el jefe.
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