What's up with Chasidor?
This morning I received an email from Chasidor stating he refunded me my money and apologized for the inconvince and that my order can not be processed at this time. But he gave no explanation. I emailed him on 2/11/14 asking for a status update, he promptly responded stating it would be done by that weekend or early the following week. Well a few weeks went by so I emailed him yesterday asking for an update and then a refund this morning? I placed my order 12/30/13 for 1 double drawer no glass top with a divider for an Edgestar 28. I get the holidays are busy but 2 months for 1 drawer and divider and then no explanation for why my money was refund.
Does anyone know if Forrest can make a drawer for this?
Or does anyone have a drawer for sale for an Edgestar 28?
I can't buy anymore cigars till I have another drawer. I'm going to Tampa in less than 2 weeks and I know I'll come back with a stick pile of cigars.
Any help is greatly appreciated!