Hey Guys,
I've been very happy with my combination of fully stocked vino and b+m locker for overflow boxes for some time now, but my roomate asked me a question I didn't have an answer for; where does one buy a good quality lower priced humidor? I feel like I always see people talking about buying cheapos and having issues, for which I could recommend to him a list of places NOT to buy from. I also see plenty of people getting beautiful, custom crafted boxes that are pure art mixed with function, but that is not what he is looking for either. Therefore, I pose this question to the masses: Where does one go to to buy a desktop humidor without worrying about low quality, while still paying a reasonable price?
According to him, he wantes a 50-100ct. According to me (and for the purpose of this question), he wants a 150-250ct

. I assume that others have this same question, so I hope this thread helps anyone looking to pick up a new humidor. Thanks for the advice!