Workshop tools
Well I'm moving into my first house that will alow me to have a workshop. I dont have much to start with. Just your normal screw drivers, hammer, etc.
I will be doing a lot of woodwork- cabinets and other random things. Also going to be doing all my HVAC (have most all tools), electric, and flooring.
Anyone have any suggestions on where to start? I have about $2,000 to spend that Ive saved up. I was thinking a nice table saw, air compressor, nail gun, and a impact. My dad always taught me not to skimp out on tools and buy quality products.
I have a 4 piece Dewalt 20v combo kit for work that I can use if I need to. (impact, drill, circular saw, sawzaw).
Maybe someone with some experience with DIY projects can steer me in the right direction. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.