My wife and I are on a low carb kick and decided to try something different. Instead of making a pizza with dough we decided to use hamburger and ground turkey as the base.

It came out very good but was a little bland. (My wife has a sensitive tongue so I don't like to spice things up.)
For the recipe I used about a 1.5 pounds of hamburger and 1 pound of ground turkey. To hold it all together I used an egg and a about a cup (?) of ground chick pea flour. I added some salt to the meat mixture and placed it on the pan. Initially it covered most of the pan and shrank quite a bit. I placed it in the oven without toppings on 350 for about 30 minutes. I then drained the excess hat/juices and placed spaghetti sauce, pepperoni slices, onions, bell peppers and cheese on top of it. Back into the oven it went for about another 30 minutes and came out looking like this.
Comments from the peanut gallery were favorable.