Ok so I bought a new smartphone about a week ago and decided I needed to do what everybody else who has a smartphone does....download an app. So after getting the necessities (Angry Birds), I figured I'd check to see if there were any useful apps related to my everyday life and habits. That's when I stumbled upon this:
Cigar Unlimited.
This app can help you keep track of your cigars in your humidor, you're wishlist (which is very helpful to me, since my wishlist keeps getting bigger and bigger) and apparently has over 30,000 cigars in its database. I can neither confirm nor deny that statement because I really have no desire to count it myself. Just know that it could very well be true. Anyway, It also has facebook integration so you can post about the cigar you just smoked, and it has a navigator to your local cigar shop (for when you're on the road alot, like me). You can take pictures, make your own descriptions and ratings, and even update their database with a cigar you don't see in it already. It's like an all in one, "I do everything but light your cigar for you," app.
Like all good things though, its not free

but it's cheap

. It'll only cost you a $1.50 and thats better than the other cigar apps i saw...well apart from the free ones that is. So yea, if you got a smartphone, then i suggest getting this app. Or, if you think you know a better one then post it here on this thread. I've done my informative deed for the day, now to shake my phone and let this app randomly select a cigar for me to smoke.