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Old 04-23-2011, 11:06 PM   #1
Have My Own Room
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Join Date: Apr 2009
First Name: Frank
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Ranger_B is a jewel in the roughRanger_B is a jewel in the roughRanger_B is a jewel in the rough
Default Life went from pause to Fast Forward

I have to apologize for this long and somewhat pointless post. Its one of those post that when you start to read it you ask yourself why this guy is throwing all of this out here in public for all to see. I guess the reason I am writing it is, I have found more than a few people that even though I have not met many in person yet I would still call them friends. Guys who have walked the lines I have and have info I could use. The opposite holds true and that is there may be others that are where I am at and just do not know whats next.

I have really missed this place for the last few weeks. I may not be a total postaholic but I do enjoy reading most of what has been written since I last left. Between the multiple hobby's everyone has, the entrepreneurial types who go all in and find a niche product and make true works of art, amnd then of course there are the reviews of cigars and the interbombing of one and other. I have been able to find a few min day to day where I manage to hop on a check the new posts for a few min on a mobile divice while waiting in some waiting area somewhere. I was able to even find a couple of BOTLs to trade or sell a couple of the WMDs after I missed out on the buy when I was stuck away from communication for a few days. I have half attempted to get involved and make a post or two but most time I just speed read through as much as I can. Even that 10 min has a huge effect on my day. Its like walking into a B&M and not being able to stay for a smoke but you still listen to the conversation going on. One of my favorite topics here is the NST. I love the NST and seeing how those new to the board begin to get indoctrinated here and find their own little corner of the interweb. I have never really understood the forum brotherhood even though I have been a member a various forums. Thanks to the stand up ToE as well as all the inmates here I have learned that meaning of the brotherhood found in cigar forums (some more then other)

We have finally settled on the Wedding date that being May 14th with a Church wedding on the 13th. We are doing most of this ourselves so it is a pain in the ass. I quickly saw that good communication is key ones idea of a small wedding can be very different that another. I will leave that there otherwise this will become a rant!

God bless uncle Sam they started movement on my med board at the same time we are doing this. So I am stuck between 10 and 25 appointments a week at various doctors and therapists. A few benefits of the med board is while at PT (physical Therapy I was introduced to a company that has a machine that allows my foot to pick up and move. (I guess I have not told many of you but the reason I am getting boarded(med retired we hope now) is that I broke my back and had some nerve damage causing drop foot and severe lack of sensation in my right leg). So got this devices info and had my insurance get working on it and now I have started walking without a limp for short periods of a time. I wanted nothing more that to finish my career and retire but there is something out there I am meant to do so I am looking for that now.

I have started reading What color is your parachute and other job hunting books. I have sent letters to colledges as well as researched different degree programs online. I never expected to be here. Married with kids and suddenly feel like I am a senior in High school trying to figure out what Im going to do when I grow up . I have hid from grown up life doing a job I loved and was proud to do. Physically that can not happen or I will do more damage then I could live with. So now I am searching for the next chapter and the help I have already gotten here was been great. Anyone out there who has started new and has any pointers would be greatly appreciated.

Sorry for the short story on Easter morning so with that said Happy Easter and thanks for reading. I think I really had to just get that off my chest.

Thanks for your time if you made it this far.
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