Review terminology
I have read a lot of cigar reviews in which various terms are used to describe the flavor of a cigar: nutty, earthy, coffee, soil, floral, nutmeg, etc. I know that the palette of a new cigar smoker takes time to develop, but there are a lot of times that I get tastes from my cigar that I can't quite put a finger on. Then when I read another review, I think, "Oh, yeah! That's what that taste was!" In other words, I know it when I read it, but not necessarily when I taste it alone.
I was wondering if any of you experienced smokers could put out a list of some of the more common flavors to help noobs like me begin to develop a palette and a range of tastes to match up. Once we learn 'em, we're on our way. It's just getting started that can be difficult.